TGC and The Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy by Chuck O'Neal.
This is just a few excerpts of the article, but please read the whole thing.
The leadership of TGC, T4G, and 9Marks are homophobic. When you fear being called a “homophobic bigot” by a homosexual crazed world to the point you’re willing to exchange God’s Biblical moral terms (abomination, vile passion, against nature, shameful, etc.) for the world’s amoral terms (same-sex attracted, gay, LBGBTQI, etc.) you are in fact homophobic. Homophobic men systematically exchange God’s sin condemning terms for the world’s noncondemning terms because they fear homosexuals and our perverse, God-hating, Romans 1:18-32
culture’s wrath — more than they fear God.

By their own confession, the homophobic men behind TGC believe Sam Allberry and Jackie Hill Perry to be the “most credible” evangelical voices to speak our message to the unbelieving “world where Christians are seen as homophobic bigots.” Having forgotten the fear of God, TGC’s homophobic leaders are trembling before homosexual activists and a world gone mad in its embrace and celebration of all the things Romans 1:18-32 condemns with incredibly descriptive terminology.
Their intense fear of being “seen as homophobic bigots” for believing the Bible and using God’s Biblical terms has transformed them into homophobic leaders who are actively, habitually, and dogmatically exchanging the truth of God for the same-sex attracted Christian lies Sam Allberry and Jackie Hill Perry are selling in their books and through their conference speaking fees. In full homophobic panic, TGC and much of Evangelicalism have thrown off God’s Biblical vocabulary terms as unnecessary, distasteful, divisive, unloving — even hateful.
You need only listen to Ligon Duncan’s Ligonier Conference Q&A commentary, do a quick survey of Sam Allberry’s website, or read Jackie Hill Perry’s Gay Girl, Good God to see how God’s truth, moral terms, and holy commands are being exchanged for the world’s lies, amoral terms, and perverse counsel. TGC, T4G, and 9Marks’ esteemed leaders need to be warned that homophobia is a form of cowardice and “coward” is another unpopular Biblical term found very near “abominable” in Revelation 21:8....
They boast the perverse acting out and unholy feeding of their vile passions through supposedly “non-sexual” hand-holding, hugging, cuddling, and kissing within live-in or casual relationships with other men and women who identify as same-sex attracted Christians. That’s right — Sam Allberry’s website encourages sodomy attracted “Christian” men to live with sodomy attracted “Christian” men, to hold hands, to hug, to cuddle, to kiss, and to raise children together (more on that below).
Those of us who still hold fast to the Biblical definition of repentance found in 2 Corinthians 7:11 must reject TGC’s false repentance that leaves men and women perpetually enslaved to vile passions. Those of us who still believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ saves sinners from both the eternal penalty and indwelling power of sin must reject TGC’s false gospel that leaves men and women enslaved to perversion and acting it out under the guise of sanctified same-sex attracted Christian affection....
It’s long past time to take a stand against their Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy. It’s long past time to stop commending these men, their ministries, and their books until such a time as they Biblically repent with clear, unnuanced, public renunciation. It’s long past time to put these men out of our pulpits and their books out of our bookstores. Call them friends and brothers if you’re still convinced they are erring friends and brothers, but don’t stubbornly let your friends and brothers ravage Christ’s Church with their abominable doctrine like the unfaithful elders in Pergamos and Thyatira.
Faithful men of God don’t knowingly put unfaithful friends in the pulpit for the sake of maintaining fellowship and friendships — or for the sake of maintaining or extending the width and breadth of their ministry. Faithful men of God don’t knowingly lend credibility to dangerous teachers of dangerous doctrines and help draw a crowd to sit beneath their teaching by having their picture alongside and sharing a pulpit with unfaithful Balaams and rebel egalitarian Jezebels at compromised conferences that undermine “the Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
Faithful men of God love and protect the purity of Christ’s Church and the purity of Christ’s Gospel even when it costs them their fellowship and friendship with erring friends. Sometimes the best message you can preach when invited to speak at a conference is a public Jude 3
-like explanation of why you can’t and won’t speak, can’t and won’t lend credibility, and can’t and won’t help gather a crowd to sit beneath dangerous teachers of dangerous doctrines.

End excerpt. (bold, red original emphasis)