Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I came across two articles today by John MacArthur that struck a cord with me. It seems that the Lord is showing him the same things He is showing me and some other solid Christians. And it is this: those within "conservative Christianity" are NOT proclaiming the true Gospel and that there is a war on the Word of God. Many of these professing Christians, (and increasingly within the Reformed Theology camp) are trying to use reason, logic, and philosophy to convince the unbelievers of God's truth. What they fail to recognize is that spiritual truth can ONLY be spiritually discerned and an unbeliever can't do that for he hasn't got the Spirit of Truth residing within him (1Cor. 2:14).

Not only are many folks relying on their powers of persuasion to open the minds of those who are God's enemies, but the gospel being proclaimed by these same folks, sometimes leave out important aspects of the Gospel: the Resurrection of Christ, and believing and confessing His Lordship (Rom. 10:9-10).

I hope you enjoy these articles (see below: Getting the Gospel Right, and Trustworthy Answers in Untrustworthy Times). They certainly express my thoughts on these issues. You might also enjoy hearing John MacArthur's message on the necessity of believing in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in order to be saved (1Cor. 15). The transcript for the audio message on the Overview of the Resurrection can be found here.

"If you remove the resurrection of Jesus Christ from Christianity, you don't have Christianity. You literally take the heart out of it. We accept that the resurrection happened by faith, faith in the Scripture, faith that is given to us by the Holy Spirit. We have been convinced by the Holy Spirit that the Bible is true and the Bible says Jesus arose from the dead and that settles that issue. And on the pages of Scripture there is ample convincing evidence." For more go here.

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