Tuesday, August 30, 2016

To Come To Christ

"To come to Christ for life, is for the sinner to abandon his own righteousness and be ready to be made the righteousness of God in Christ; it is to disown his own wisdom and be guided by His; it is to repudiate his own will and be ruled by His; it is to unreservedly receive the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and Lord, as his All in all."
~ Arthur Pink "The Sovereignty of God"

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Minimum Christian

The minimum Christian is not clear on a number of points. He cannot see the harm in this, or that, or the other popular amusement. There is nothing in the Bible against it. He knows several excellent persons who do so--at least, so he says. Why should not he? He stands so close to the dividing-line between the people of God and the people of the world--that it is hard to say on which side of it he is actually to be found.
Ah, my brother, are you making this attempt? Beware, lest you find at last that in trying to get to Heaven with a little religion--you miss it altogether; lest without gaining the whole world--you lose your own soul. True godliness demands self-denial and cross-bearing--and if you have none of these, you are making a false profession!

Rev 3:15  'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 
Rev 3:16  'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. 

1Ki 18:21  Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people did not answer him a word. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The LDS Church Supports Muslim Immigration

I post this because of the LDS's liberal agenda which spawns from it's cult history. Their story was that they were endlessly persecuted and forced to wander and ended up in Salt Lake City. The truth is that they are a cult and their beliefs were (and are) outlandish, including polygamy.*
"Mormons worship the US Constitution and its guarantee of religious liberty. Radical Islam is the number one enemy of religious liberty in the world today. " - Tom Tancredo on Breitbart
This is a good point, as well:
 It is an open secret in Washington, D.C. that the Mormon church supports open borders and lax enforcement of immigration laws. Many Mormon politicians have been supporting amnesty and open borders for decades. 
The media is suddenly full of stories on Trump’s “Mormon problem.” According to the mainstream media, Trump’s call for “extreme vetting” of Muslim immigrants in his foreign policy speech kicked open a hornets’ nest of Mormon concerns about “religious tolerance.”
ISIS leaders must be rolling in the mosque’s aisles in uncontrolled laughter over the Mormon concern over Muslim immigration, considering that religious liberty is the first casualty wherever radical Islam and Sharia are enforced.
Under Sharia law enforced by orthodox Muslims wherever they have the power to do so, religious liberty is defined as giving Christians and Jews and other “infidels” a choice: either convert to Islam, pay the “Jizya” tax, or die. That is religious liberty under Islam, and it bears no resemblance to the religious liberty guaranteed by the US Constitution.
Trump is advocating a new policy of vigorous, effective screening of Muslim refugees and immigrants to identify likely Islamist terrorists and bar their admission to our country. So, how did a ban on admission of likely terrorists become a war on religious liberty? Once you find a good answer to that question, my friends, you will have discovered the answer to the riddle of political correctness run amok.
The truth is that not only does the Constitution NOT prohibit immigration restrictions on persons holding beliefs hostile to public safety and national security, there are several US Supreme Court decisions upholding Congress’s and the President’s powers to put the nation’s safety and security ahead of any alleged universal right of foreign nationals to enter the United States. 
                      ~Tom Tancredo at Breitbart

Brigham Young ordered the massacre of 150 non-Mormon immigrants. This became known as the Mountain Meadows massacre. Young ordered Bishop John D. Lee in 1877 to murder a wagon train of helpless immigrants.- Wikipedia (also reported elsewhere)

Liberal Salon: GOP should dump God in order to be relevant

Breitbart reports:

Salon Magazine has accused the Republican Party of being out of touch with “post-Christian America,” warning the GOP that if it doesn’t renege on its alliance with Christianity, it will soon become irrelevant.
Ted Cruz’s failure to get the GOP nomination, Matthew Sheffield proclaims in Salon, “is a perfect window into trends that will set the pace of American politics for decades to come: Americans are moving away from Christianity, including people most likely to vote Republican.” 
And while Sheffield rightly notes that atheists overwhelmingly vote Democrat, he comes up with the unlikely conclusion that Republicans should slough off their historical friendliness with religion in order to keep up with social trends. In other words, Republicans should repeat the Democrats’ mistakes of alienating the pro-life community, religious believers, and traditional families in the hopes of pandering to the relatively small group of religiously unaffiliated.
While observing that “the religiously unaffiliated appear to have a real preference for Democrats,” Sheffield insists that Republicans could cut into the Democrats’ voter base if they would just abandon the illusion that Americans still care about God.
“While secular people have always favored Democrats for as long as the data goes back,” Sheffield says, “the situation has actually become even worse in recent years for the GOP.” 
If the GOP would just sell its soul and dump its religious constituency, Sheffield suggests, things would go a whole lot better. This includes a full embrace of same-sex marriage and other positions at odds with Biblical morality, in the name of political expediency.
End quote.
For the liberals over at Salon to want to help the GOP win, that is suspect entirely. The DNC kicked God of their platform in the last election or two. But with that said, there is some truth in there, although not for Salon's reasons. The truth is, is that the GOP is indeed becoming more of a farce of conservative values, much less Christian ones. The candidates they offer, their pundits and their leaders are increasingly hostile to absolute truth. That the GOP is increasingly sodomy, illegal immigration, abortion, socialized medicine friendly shows this. I do believe in most ways the GOP's God-friendly platform is indeed more political than heartfelt, but the sneering of any acknowledgement of God within the GOP party is arrogant. Let's just say that Romans 1 has already happened to the DNC--at least with the GOP there's a semblance of acknowledging God exists. Some within the party haven't yet wholly been turned over to their hardened hearts and seared consciences. For how long, who knows.  Politics are indeed a spiritual issue--even a spiritual battle.  

But I'll pose a question: how many churches will go this route? Campus Crusade For Christ has already dumped "Christ", and now is just called "CRU". Churches are becoming doctrinally vague in order to embrace all sorts of people. So what we see in politics, we'll see happen in the churches, as they typically parallel the political arena.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Princeton's HuMAN Resources Department Bans "Man" From Vocabulary

The College Fix reports:
The Princeton University HR department has largely wiped the word “man” from its vocabulary.
The relatively new policy in effect at the Ivy League institution spells out the directive in a four-page memo that aims to make the department more gender inclusive.
Instead of using “man,” employees are told to use words such as human beings, individuals or people.
Of course, this has been enacted in the state of California for some time now. But it goes to show two things: 1) Princeton is full of non-thinking people, who are puppets for their ridiculous man-hate, and 2) this is the goal of ancient gnostic feminism, which is really hatred toward God, His creative order, and His Word.
"There is a radical difference between desiring to be delivered from a world of disappointment and sorrow and a longing to be delivered from this body of death in order that we may be present with the Lord. The latter was the case with the Apostle when he said, “having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better” (Phi 1:23). A desire to be freed from abject poverty or a bed of languishing is only natural, but a yearning to be delivered from a world of iniquity and a body of death so that we may enjoy unclouded communion with the Beloved is truly spiritual. One of the greatest surprises of our own Christian life has been to find how very few people give evidence of the latter. The majority of professors appear to be so wedded to this scene, so in love with this life, or so fearful of the physical aspect of death, that they cling to life as tenaciously as do non-professors. Surely heaven cannot be very real to them. True, we ought to submissively wait God’s time, yet that should not preclude or override a desire to “depart, and be with Christ.”
~ Arthur Pink, "The Life of Elijah"