I found a good article on knowing the age of the earth by using the genealogies in Scripture, from ICR. Here's an excerpt and chart from the article:
When Abraham was born, how old (or young) was the earth? Can we know the answer with confidence? Yes, if God has given us the information we need in Genesis. And He has. But to recognize it requires reading, writing, and 'rithmetic--and one more critical ingredient: avoiding the irrelevant issue of whether Genesis genealogies are "open" or "closed."
Read that last sentence again; it is the key to avoiding confusion. Some people assume that the historical events related in the early chapters of Genesis cannot be precisely dated because we cannot be certain whether the genealogical lists are complete ("closed") or whether they skip generations and have gaps (and are thus "open"). The issue is irrelevant because the timeframes given in Genesis are measured by the number of years between one event and another event, regardless of how many generations occurred between those "bookend" events...
Go here for the rest of the article which explains by examples in Scripture.
Go here for the rest of the article which explains by examples in Scripture.

Scientifically, here's a list of 14 evidences for a young creation.
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