Monday, November 22, 2010

Beth Moore Teaches Alongside Modalist T.D. Jakes, Bully Perry Noble

Catalyst Announces 2010 Speakers

Got a note yesterday from the Catalyst peeps about the 2010 conference. They just launched the new website, so you can make plans now to attend the Catalyst Conference this fall in Atlanta. They’re also offering an opportunity to register to win a free iPad. Winners will be chosen weekly up until the first week of October.

The conference is on October 6-8 in Atlanta at Gwinnett Arena. This year’s speakers include:

Andy Stanley
Seth Godin
Beth Moore
Bishop T.D. Jakes
Daniel Pink
Francis Chan
Perry Noble
Craig Groeschel


Anonymous said...

Looks like they put together all the popular teachers around, unfortunately there were none I would be interested in listening to. And why would not any one call out T.D. Jakes, who is a blatant heretic? I agree that Beth Moore, and the others should do so. But I am not confident that they will, such is to be expected of people who do not have any backbone. But who am I to say so...

Denise said...

Well Beth Moore wouldn't do so because she's into the Contemplative Spirituality stuff and is thoroughly a feminist, violating clear Scripture about women not teaching men (her atrocious psychological teaching on "confidence" from Hebrews is a glaring example of how unskilled this woman is). If she can't see the simple comand of this, then she has no discernment elsewhere. They easily put up with another Jesus and another spirit, to their utter shame.

God uses the little man, the small country, the weak, the unskilled, to display His power and His glory. So who are you to say? If you are a child of the King, you certainly have every right to speak! =)