Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Behold your "lesser evil" has come home to roost

Here's John McCain, who many  Christians voted for and continue to vote for, saying that voters need to embrace amnesty for illegal aliens and leave the issue of abortion alone if you want to win an election.

He's not the only one getting bold in tossing out principles supposedly part of the GOP:

Condaleeza Rice also says the GOP needs to be a bigger tent.

Boehner caves on taxes and illegal immigration.

Shawn Hannity, "Conservative" Republican talk radio host also has caved on illegal immigration.

Chabliss, a top Republican senator ditches anti-tax pledge.

Top GOP lawmakers also hope to gain voters by jumping on the amnesty bandwagon.

I've been saying there is no difference of substance between the GOP and the DNC (see Fox News' Judge Napolitano's video clip below, its excellent). The GOP will drop any  value or principle that gets in the way of beating the opponent they love to hate. 

Lower taxes, legal immigration, pro-life (anti-abortion in all cases), anti-homsexuality, traditional marriage. None of these is apparently a matter of conviction based on principles and values. The leaders you voted in at the expense of these issues are now removing these very issues so they won't get in the way of competing with the Democrats.

If you keep voting in your "lesser evil", your party will continue down the evil road, not reverse itself. Abortion, traditional marriage, illegal aliens are all thrown out by the GOP, the "Conservative" party, in order to gain liberal votes. As I've said, the GOP will offer more and more liberalism to compete with the DNC. Its got NOTHING to do with principles. They have none.

Here's another person who also sees this compromise as wrong:  Richard Viguerie:
“The idea that conservatives need to abandon our principles and move left is nonsense,” he said. “The way that we win elections and not just appeal to the base but to the American people is when we make the campaign about our issues, our views our values. Republicans never win national elections unless we nationalize the elections and present to the voters two dramatically different worldviews – a worldview of a big, all-encompassing, powerful government versus a small government, individual responsibility, traditional values, lower taxes (and a) balanced budget.” ~ Source

While I disagree with Viguerie on his positive view of Romney's campaign, although saying Romney stopped too short of expressing conservative values (of course he did, Romney's liberal, NOT conservative), Viguerie is right concerning the GOP. 

The problem is that the GOP is filled with liberals and pragmatists. Pragmatists do not have values and principles that  dictate their decisions and behavior; rather they take what is really an opinion, labeling it as a "principle" or "value" , and then throw them away in order to win an election, move ahead, be accepted, gain votes, get money, make friends, move a group to the desired goal.

Wait until 20016 or 2020 ---when the GOP will offer a competitive liberal against the DNC who will be fiscally "conservative" and socially liberal....like a homosexual.

Think there's any difference between the two parties? Not really. 

So I've asked before and I'll ask again: What makes a Conservative a Conservative? Because they say they are or because they really are and its shown  by their actions?

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