Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thoughts on "Heaven Is For Real"

     (Photo source)

Yes, a cute little child can indeed lie and manipulate others. Yes, a father can also manipulate his cute little boy. Yes, Satan can deceive through both.

To sit in the seat of scoffers, literally, and to pay them money on top of that, just to "see" if what they are producing is of Christ or not, is FOOLISH. If they are NOT Christians, then it is NOT OF CHRIST. Folks, how hard is this??? I suspect people use the claim of "seeing it so I can "better" debate against it, as an excuse to see what everyone else is watching. Our credibility does not come from going to the dog's vomit, sniffing it, tasting it, and THEN pronouncing it's dog's vomit. Our credibility comes from knowing Christ and the Scriptures and doing our homework. We are not called to participate in the deeds of darkness to THEN say it is darkness.

If Satan didn't get to some "Christians" through "The Passion of the 'Christ' ", "Son of god", or "Noah", his next attempt is through a toddler. If that won't work, there's the next "Bible" movie coming out in December called "Exodus: gods and kings". If you don't think this is an attack of the sufficiency and faithfulness of Scripture and the thrice holiness of God, you are already deceived.

It's not a matter of opinion to sit in the seat of scoffers and give heretics like TD Jakes and pro-Roman Catholics like the Burpos who blaspheme Christ Jesus. It is sin.

 This is blasphemy and there is no need to go and PAY to sit in the seat of scoffers and mock God and Scripture. That would yes, make it sin to do so.

Todd Burpo claims that in Colton's experience, Mary goes from kneeling before the throne to standing next to Jesus on the throne:

TD Jakes, a modalist (ancient heresy that denies the Trinity) and Word of Faith heretic is a producer of the movie.

"But now, the movie is taking flak from a very unexpected source. Prominent Baptist pastor and syndicated radio host, John MacArthur spoke to Good Morning America. He said, " I'm convinced that the entire movie and book is a hoax. It has nothing to do with Christianity. It has nothing to do with The Bible."

MacArthur said, "Let's say a dozen books written by people who have been to Heaven recently and come back. Every single one of them describes it differently.""

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For what it is worth, John MacArthur is not a Baptist preacher!