Wednesday, September 24, 2008

There Won't Be Enough Evidence For the Skeptics Who Defend Piper, Driscoll, & Tripp

I often say that there is never enough evidence for a skeptic. I believe this is true for Piper (Tripp, Driscoll, Zacharias, Boltz) apologists. I know the list is longer, but these are the names that have recently been in the news lately.

For those who think there is no evidence of Piper's Downgrade, either they have been ignoring his recent actions or are in agreement with them.

While I will not do the skeptics/apologists' homework, however, I'll give them a little jump start, should they actually want to see and believe the evidence (I'm not holding my breath).

Let's start with one of my own posts:

Here's where you can do more research:

Two of their articles were from two years ago. I saw Piper's hand-holding with the ECM leader, Driscoll about two years prior to that.

Piper hasn't distanced himself from Driscoll, but continues to hold hands with him. and defends him. And now even Paul Tripp is using foul language "to make a point" about "the motive of the heart" which is absolutely ridiculous. (Let's not forget that Tripp led his children into using a cuss word repeatedly, too. )

There is plenty of information on Driscoll for biblical Christians to see how disqualified he is to be a pastor and a teacher of God's HOLY Word. For someone of Piper's fame to deliberately and continually endorse Driscoll (dubbed "the cussing pastor" by Donald Miller, author of "Blue Like Jazz") is wrong.

Yup, I said its wrong. It seems very few people are willing to be clear on this issue. But I don't see how either Piper or Driscoll are living up to the biblical standards of being an undershepherd.

1Co 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals."

Offering putrid, decaying garbage to feed HIS sheep and lambs with, is an absolute disgrace, regardless of the name or label used.

And remember: holding to TULIP doesn't give anyone a free pass. Saying some right things doesn't negate the continual error, either.

Jud 1:4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

How did these people "creep in unnoticed"? How does Satan and his workers deceive so many professing Christians? Do false teachers and false brothers announce themselves as such? Is deception merely just doctrinal? Can it include false, unbiblical practices?

Please, get off the bandwagon of rallying around your favorite teacher and be honest in testing him against Scripture. If he falls short, may your loyalty to go Christ Jesus alone.

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