The article by Matthew Balan rom News Busters begins:
"On Wednesday’s No Bias, No Bull program, CNN anchor Roland Martin forgot the first part of his show’s title and featured three “progressive Christian” guests who all criticized the “religious right” and affirmed his view that you can “love God, go to church every Sunday, and not be a die-hard social conservative.” He did not host one religious conservative on his panel."
*Note: Host Martin claims to be an "evangelical Christian" but is far more concerned with social "injustices" (read: temporal, earthly things like wealth /poverty) than with the murder of babies and biblical marriage. He of course didn't seem interested in the Lord Jesus Christ, because as usual, these liberal "Christians" are merely religious adolencent types who are stomping their feet, whinning, refusing to abide by God's commands. They are activists who don't know Christ and HIM crucified, and are in rebellion to the things of God. The are filled with anger against HIM and it comes out against us. Will you give in to them? Will you give them credibility? Will you call that being "fair and balanced"?
The article continues:
He then asked as his general question to his guests, “So, is there a place for progressive evangelicals in this country?”
As you might expect, all three of his guests -- the Reverend Joel Hunter, pastor of Northland Church, Reverend Serene Jones, president of the Union Theological Seminary, and Frank Schaeffer -- all answered this question affirmatively, and each one had their criticism of religious conservatives. Martin first asked Schaeffer if he believed that “progressive Christians have been meek and silent, and frankly, being bullied by social conservatives into submission.” Schaeffer not only acknowledged that he believed this, but later went so far of blaming the “religious right” for the Iraq War and the bad economy. He even accused them of being “anti-American,” because in his view, “they hate pluralistic diverse America. What they want is a homogenous white America most of the time.”
...Rev. Hunter then outlined what his top issues were: “Poverty, climate change, justice issues, all of these things are -- health care. All of these things are things that Jesus addressed in his ministry, and so we are oriented toward what Jesus addressed, not just a couple of issues that are still important. But we’re not narrow, we’re not totally negative. We’re not just automatically combative. We want to be constructive in this whole arena.” Jesus addressed climate change?
End quote.
Ah but the TRUTH is, these liberals are the MOST intolerant and vicious people around. They're nice and accomodating as long as you agree with them and don't take a hard stand on anything. But the minute you are dogmatic about truth and tell them they are wrong, the minute you bring in Christ Jesus the Resurrected Lord, the minute you bring in Scripture boldly, their venom is spewed, their claws come out, and they rile against Truth.
These "progressive" or really, liberal, evangelicals are today's and the future's "Christians". This is the face of Post-modern, inter-faith religion, often seen with the name "Emergent", but its far broader than that group. This is the fruit of the Jesus Movement and "Seeker-friendly" movement. We are reaping the consequences of what pulpits proclaimed for years without much refutation. This is what we end up with when people dictate what the pastor will teach, and run to psychology instead of Scripture, man instead of God, entertainment instead of Truth.
These are the people that get air time and leadership positions, and they are aided and abetted by professing Christians who want to find truth in error, love and tolerate their wickedness, accept them as Christians because they claim they are saved, and afterall,"we can't judge their hearts".
The world demanded a face of "Christianity" they could tolerate, and here they are.
How utterly pathetic.
Its not a mystery why this is where "Christianity" is today. Are you willing to stand up against such people and rebuke them? Or are you going to give them a free pass and believe that anyone who says "Lord, Lord" MUST be a Christian and above being tested?
Ignoring these people won't make them go away. They are growing in numbers.
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