Friday, March 04, 2011

Darwin and Islam

Darwin sailed the ocean blue--and spent some time in Africa too. No Christopher Columbus was he, but I have to ask, just what did he learn there? I'm trying to find out if he was influenced by Muslims because his view of women is very similar to that of Islam's.


As Dr. Jerry Bergman states in his article, "Darwin's Teaching of Women's Inferiority" (excerpts):

In a telling indication of his attitude about women (just before he married his cousin, Emma Wedgewood), Darwin listed the advantages of marrying, which included: ". . . constant companion, (friend in old age) who will feel interested in one, object to be beloved and played with—better than a dog anyhowHome, and someone to take care of house . . ." (Darwin, 1958:232,233)...

Darwin concluded that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and from this and the other evidence, "reasoned that males are more evolutionarily advanced than females" (Kevles, 1986:8)....

One reason nineteenth century biologists argued for women's inferiority was because Darwin believed that "unchecked female militancy threatened to produce a perturbance of the races" and to "divert the orderly process of evolution" (Fee, 1979:415)....

Darwin used examples of cultures that require the men to fight competitors to retain their wives to support this conclusion. Because "the strongest party always carries off the prize," the result is that "a weak man, unless he be a good hunter . . . is seldom permitted to keep a wife that a stronger man thinks worth his notice" (1896:562).


Surah 4:34: Men are the managers of the affairs of women...those you fear may be rebellious admoinsh; banish them to their couches, and beat them.

Hadith - Burkhari vol. I, no. 301: Allah's Apostle...said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you women...I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you."

"Men are superior to women on account of the qualities which God hath gifted the one above the other, S. 4:34 …. and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them. Virtuous women are obedient, careful, during the husband's absence, because God hath of them been careful. But chide those for whose refractoriness ye have cause to fear; remove them into beds apart, AND SCOURGE THEM: but if they are obedient to you then seek not occasion against them: verily, God is High, Great!" S. 4:34

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