(photo source)
“To fully advance the causes of radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, unfettered sexual license, ‘gay marriage’ and the like, the pagan left must do away with religious free exercise altogether [not to mention free speech].
“Under the guise of ‘anti-discrimination,’ Christians today face discrimination at unprecedented levels. …
“Christians,” I continued, “true Christians – regenerate, Bible-believing Christians who strive their level best to maintain fidelity to the word of God and honor His commands – will not, indeed cannot, participate in, approve of, facilitate or encourage certain behaviors deemed by the Holy Scriptures to be immoral or sinful.
“It is not done from hate. It is not done from bigotry. It is done neither from a position of superiority nor a desire to ‘impose our beliefs’ upon others.
“It is done from both obedience to Christ and compassion for our fellow fallen who yet wallow in folly. …
“In the ongoing culture war, it seems there are no rules of engagement. The secular left will accept nothing short of unconditional surrender. That is to say, the pagans demand that we Christians abandon the biblical worldview altogether, and adopt their own.
“This will never happen.”
Indeed, the self-styled champions of “tolerance” and “diversity” prove, over and again, to be the most intolerant and monolithic among us. Their version of “intolerance” (i.e., any philosophical position that runs afoul of the rigid dictates of “political correctness”) simply will not be tolerated.
End quote.
~Excerpts from "I'm Wanted For Hate Crimes In Canada" by Matt Barber
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