Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tullian Tchividjian: Not all is well at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

All is not well at Tullian Tchividjian's church, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (formly D. James Kennedy's church before he suddenly passed away):


Six members of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church -- including the daughter of founding pastor D. James Kennedy -- have been banned from the premises and all functions of the Fort Lauderdale church.

Besides Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy, Kennedy's daughter, the people banned are Lorna Bryan, Kaye Carlson, Romeo DeMarco, and Jim and Jeanne Filosa. They have been ordered to stay off church property and out of church programs, and ``to stop writing accusatory letters to the congregation.''

Tchividjian fired back in his letter to the congregation: ``No church government can tolerate such an insurrection from those who will not listen to admonition, refuse all counsel, and will stop at nothing until they have overthrown legitimate authority and replaced it with their own.''

End quote.

Time will reveal what's going on, however I think Tchividjian's view of church government not only is off, but has echoes of Rome's toward those within who was protesting its leadership. Interesting....

About Tchividjian:


His second book, Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different (foreword by Tim Keller), is due out from Multnomah next month. Keller is Emergent with a Reformed bent. But as long as he claims TULIP he gets a free pass AND a big push by Reformers.

Tullian's list of favorite books include interfaith and ecumenical authors listed. Shane Trammel notes: "T.M. Moore, J.I. Packer, Os Guinness, and Chuck Colson. All four of these men signed the document “Evangelical and Catholics Together”.

Tullian likes Ricky Warren. Go here on why Rick Warren is a false teacher.

A woman is Director of Ministry Development at his New City Church. Her "testimony" as well as having this kind of leadership role over the direction of the church gives one pause.

All these issues gives a red flag for Tchividjian being a senior pastor of anything. Of course, D. James Kennedy was pretty man-centered as well, so I think this is actually a good fit. However, the rubber stamping of men who either have famous connections or claim TULIP or Reformed, is utterly shameful, when its clear that such men have shown a lack of biblical discernment.

End quote.

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