Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What Do You Think?

If someone came to you and

denied the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture
believed that spiritual truth can be found outside of Scripture
did not believe in Justification by faith alone
denied total depravity
said Jesus repented
said Jesus added the little part to salvation we could not
believed in the Mass and Eucharist as the real presence of Jesus
prayed for the dead
believed in Purgatory
believed in Universalism (salvation in other religions)
believe that baptism saves...

would you consider this person saved?

What if someone came to you and said they believed the following:

the Apocrypha is part of the inspired Scriptures
tradition is authortative
baptismal regeneration and grace
baptismal salvation
real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
that Mass is a sacrifice
that the Eucharist is necessary for salvation
Purgatory and praying for the dead
can pray to dead saints and the saints will intercede
the Roman Catholic Church is authoritative
the apostolic succession
possibility of falling from sin
the "sacrament" of penance
Mary stayed a virgin...

do you think this person is a true Christian?

If someone told you they hold to:

baptismal regeneration
the eucharist
signing of the cross at prayer
the position of the pope
absolution of sin by priests and the church
Mary as Mother of God and perpetual virgin and sinless...

would you say they are true Christians? Would you approve of such persons preaching in your church's pulpit?

Do you believe there is such a thing as damnable doctrine?

What false doctrines make a person a false Christian?

What did Jude mean about "certain people have crept in unnoticed" and "hidden reefs at your love feasts"? Why did he tell them this? How did they creep in unnoticed and be hidden among them?

What did Peter mean when he said: "there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies"? How could such men be "reveling in their deceptions, while they feast with you"? Why is Peter telling them of these things?

Could it be that false teachers say enough right things to be the reefs unnoticed, and therefore secretly bring in destructive heresies?

Or do you suppose false teachers announce themselves as heretics? If that were the case, why the secrecy and deception used by them?

And why don't most professing Christians CARE about the hidden reefs, twice dead trees, waterless clouds, seductive teachers, among them? Or do they think its IMPOSSIBLE to have false teachers in their circle?

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