Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ralph Reed of the "Christian" Coalition Brokers Discussion Between Christian Conservatives and Pro-Homosexual Boy Scout Leaders

Compromise is compromise. Ralph Reed is part of the problem of the "Christian" Coalition. His position is not Christian because it is not biblical.

"WORLD learned that Reed, founder of the Christian Coalition and now president of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, has arranged meetings and conference calls between Christian conservative leaders and BSA officials who support the pro-gay resolution. "

~ World Magazine

There can be no compromise between biblical Christianity and homosexuality (the Boy Scouts of America are trying to allow homosexuals become leaders). Why would a professing Christian try to make the two accept each other when foundationally they cannot?

2Co 6:14  Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 
2Co 6:15  Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 

The answer to these rhetorical questions is in the negative. Shame on Ralph Reed for his disloyalty to Christ and to His who are fighting the putrid wickedness of our culture. Homosexuality is an attack against the God-ordained family order. Reed is not proclaiming the "faith" or "family". There is no discussion to be made in compromising with those who push for acceptance of homosexuality. The only peacemaking that can biblically be made is that of proclaiming the Gospel to homosexuals and everyone because all people are hostile toward God in their sin and disobedience and must repent of all their sins. By accepting and compromising with homosexuals, Reed is actually doing quite an unloving thing: not standing firm on biblical Truth at all costs.

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