Confirming it wasn't just a way to be insulting, but calling it the way it is....
Remember the children's song in praise of Obama?
Here are the lyrics to two of them:
Song 1:Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama
[Note that in the last verse, it is a twist on a verse from "Jesus Loves The Little Children:" red, and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world."
Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"
Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"
Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!
The first black American to lead this great nation!
Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!
To make this country's economy number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!
So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
~SourceHip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
“We thought that he was going to be – I shouldn’t say this at Christmastime – but the next messiah,” Walters told CNN’s Piers Morgan Tuesday night.
“He made so many promises,” she explained, then making the messiah comment.
She added: “It’s very difficult when the expectations for you are very high. You’re almost better off when they are low and then they rise and rise. His were very high and they’ve dropped. But you know? He still has several years to go. What does he have, three years more, Piers? And, you know, there will be a lot of changes, one thinks in that time.”
Radio host Rush Limbaugh couldn’t help but weigh in on Walters’ messianic view of Obama.
“This is how the left promoted Obama. It’s how he promoted himself, and it’s how a lot of voters saw him,” Limbaugh explained Wednesday on his national program.
“Believe me, she’s a believer. She’s not mocking or laughing at this. … If she were mocking it, she wouldn’t have paused and begged for understanding at Christmastime.”
“Who in their right mind would put this much on any politician?” he continued. “She’s not uncommon here … among people in the media. It’s all rooted in race and sympathy. It’s all related to surface things. … It was all blind faith.”
Limbaugh said Americans shouldn’t doubt “that these sycophants in the media that bought hook, line and sinker this messiah business” actually considered Obama their political savior.
“He was the messiah,” he noted. “He had come to save them, to absolve them, to once again assert them upon the pedestals of power. That’s exactly how they saw him.”
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