I guess MSNBC's Harris-Perry and panel are still in Jr. High School because they sure act like it. And think like it.
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry apologized
Tuesday for openly mocking Mitt Romney's black adopted grandson.....

(Photo is Mitt & Ann Romney's Christmas Card photo that was the object of mockery)
After the image flashed on the screen during the show, actress
Pia Glenn broke out in song, singing, "One of these things is not like the
others, one of these things just isn't the same."
"That little baby, front and center, would be the
one," said Glenn, who was among the four panel members who joined
Harris-Perry for the segment.
Beast's Dean Obeidallah, also on the panel, chimed in that he thought the photo
was "great." "It
really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party and the RNC, where they
have the whole convention and they find the one black person."
and comedian Judy Gold commented on Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, expressing her dismay
that the Republican was the father of two daughters, Catherine and Caroline.
like this … they have daughters. That disturbs me," she said, chiding Cruz
and conservative Republicans for being anti-women.
Wow, seriously, the Left has no ability to think reasonably nor rationally. It's all driven by emotion, agenda, and immaturity.
It's bullying.
It's bullying.
And I'm not even a fan of the Romneys. In fact they are far too moderate. But what these "panelists" do with a photo and with those they hate shows they are unable to deal with issues.
And by slandering others they show their own lack of character.
They ought to be ashamed, but they aren't. They wallow in this nastiness of personal insults and irrational behavior and thought.
You might want to look up "misandry" in the Oxford Dictionary if you don't know what it is.
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