(Photos: Elian being taken away from his uncle; Elian, 16, at Young Communist Union Congress; Elian, 20 with Raul Castro)
Remember Elian Gonzalez and how Janet Reno ripped him out of the arms of his uncle in Florida by force as they hid in a closet, to deport him to Cuba? He had lost his mother in trying to escape the hands of the Communist dictator Fidel Castro. Our nation was in shock as we saw our government rip him apart from his family here in the US, knowing that when he went back he would be just another product of a Communist dictatorship. I think he was around seven years or or so back then. He's about 20 now. Here's the update Rush Limbaugh shared from a CNN report filed by Rafael Romo:
ROMO: We wanted to know if he was affected psychologically, had any long-lasting effects after the ordeal that he lived in Florida, and this is what he told us.
GONZALEZ (via translator): I haven't had any long-lasting psychological trauma. It hasn't affected me. But it has been hard on my family because those were difficult moments. But in spite of everything I'm in Cuba, and that's great because it has been 15 wonderful years in which I have experienced great growth without precedence as a Cuban revolutionary youth espousing the cause of the Cuban Revolution.
ROMO: Interesting you ask, because just before he traveled to Ecuador he was interviewed by a Cuban newspaper who asked him specifically, how does he feel about Fidel Castro, and this is exactly what he said. Listen to this, Brooke! He said, "Fidel Castro for me is like a father. I don't profess to have any religion, but if I did, my god would be Fidel Castro." There's really no need, Brooke, to say much more than that --
~Rush Limbaugh
I think that last quote of Elian Gonzalez is the saddest part of the whole interview. What brainwashing.
And sadly, Gonzalez, like a good socialist worker of a dictator, slammed the US (where his uncle lives) and blames us for the death of his mother who tried to escape the confines of Castro for a better life of freedom here in America. Again, more brainwashing victory from Castro's dicatatorship.
It's sad to see the outcome of what we knew would happen if Reno returned this little boy to Cuba. Our worse fears for his little life came to fruition. So sad.
And to see it happen here with the youth singing, litterally, praises to Obama, people seeing him as a messiah, people treating any challenge to Obama as blasphemy. Such is the way with liberal socialist magalomaniac.
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