A married, heterosexual gym teacher at a tony Upper West Side private school was fired because his lesbian supervisor disapproved of his “traditional family status,” the canned teacher claims in a new Manhattan lawsuit....
Kenney claims the allegedly biased athletic director “routinely favored other single, younger females without children and discriminated against [him] because of his gender, sexual orientation, ‘traditional family status,’ and age.”
~New York Post
Where is her tolerance?
Also, A& E has tried to silence the number one show in cable history, Duck Dynasty's family's prayers in Jesus name and now by removing Phil Robertson because of what he said he believes in an interview in GQ. A & E is silencing opposition, and one wonders why they are so afraid of. What happened to tolerance the Left demands from us all the time?
What happened to "No Hate"?
Certainly this can't be what "love" is? It can't be what "tolerance" is. Such is the hypocritical and self-contradicting life of the liberal. Do as they say, not as they do. Hate the opposition is what they really are proclaiming.
Clearly A & E is intolerant of opposing ideas and beliefs that they seem to think are unacceptable. The problem is, a majority of Americans are not homosexuals (only 2% are). The minority view is trying to dictate to the rest of the country what is to be believed and if you disagree, they will bully you and retaliate.
Unless you are Muslim, in which case they won't dare do a thing.
Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas chimed in:
personal views on private relationships aside, the radical left once again seeks
to personally destroy anyone who voices an opinion different than theirs,”
writes Stockman.
continued, “The liberal war on speech must end now. Liberals define “tolerance”
the same way the Soviets defined “peace” — the eradication of opposition. They
are on a mission to eradicate dissent. Please stand with Phil today.”
pointed out that Robertson never personally condemned anyone and simply stated
what his Christian faith teaches, but may have lost his job.
~WNDAs Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal said in part:
I don’t agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV. In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive. But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended," said Jindal in a prepared statement.
~Weekly Standard
The sodomites are seeking to ease the guilt of their perversion by either silencing or getting rid of altogether those that lead normal, happy, "traditional" family lives, and frankly are angry that they can't have that within their chosen perverted lifestyle. They can't normalize that isn't normal and they know that.
Problem is, the Duck Dynasty guys are in a cult that teaches water baptism regeneration, which is a false gospel that leads to hell. Homosexuality is a sin. But a false gospel is even worse.
I don't know what denomination they are a part of. If they are part of a church that teaches works-righteousness, then you are correct--they are lost as much as a sodomite. However my point was the hypocrisy on the left, what is rightly termed homofacism. In America, we have the freedom without penalty of having wrong views, but not within the liberal worldview.
We need to keep in mind just how horrific the sin of sodomy really is. God destroyed entire cities for such perversion. A false gospel is damnable, absolutely, but so is sodomy. But I do understand and agree (if this is what you are saying), that a false gospel that tells hell-bound people they are going to Hell is "more" destructive in the sense that it's thoroughly misleading in the name of Christ.
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