Monday, June 02, 2014

Bergdahl's Prayer Quote Just Like Shiite Imam At the 2007 DNC Conference

The Arabic praise of Islam's Allah by Bob Bergdahl, father of  now former POW Bowe Berdahl, reminded me of what occurred in 2007 at the Winter DNC conference when they invited a Muslim to say a prayer (yes, liberals mixing politics with religion). 

First here is Bergdahl's quote:

“Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate. (bold, original, red, mine)

Later he tweeted:

In 2007:


Hot Air has video of an invocation at the winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee by Husham Al-Husainy, Imam of the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center, a Shi’ite mosque in Dearborn, Michigan.
Here’s a transcript:
In the name of God the most merciful, the most compassionate. We thank you, God, to bless us among your creations. We thank you, God, to make us as a great nation. We thank you God, to send us your messages through our father Abraham and Moses and Jesus and Mohammed. Through you, God, we unite. So guide us to the right path. The path of the people you bless, not the path of the people you doom. Help us God to liberate and fill this earth with justice and peace and love and equality. And help us to stop the war and violence, and oppression and occupation. Ameen.
In this, in any case, the Imam is echoing the Fatiha, the first sura of the Qur’an and most common prayer of Islam. It asks Allah: “Show us the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast favoured; not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.” The traditional Islamic understanding of this is that the “straight path” is Islam — cf. Islamic apologist John Esposito’s book Islam: The Straight Path. The path of those who have earned Allah’s anger are the Jews, and those who have gone astray are the Christians....
End quote. (emphasis, mine)
Bergdahl quotes the most common opening prayer of Islam, as did the Shiite Imam. Notice that also Bergdahl's tweet also ends in the same "Ameen" as the Shiite Imam's prayer, too. This is no coincidence.

Allen West reports:

Clare Lopez is a former CIA operations officer, a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, national defense, WMD, and counterterrorism issues, and a friend of mine.

What none of these media is reporting is that the father’s (SGT Bowe Bergdahl’s father Bob) first words at the WH were in Arabic – those words were “bism allah alrahman alraheem” – which means “in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful” – these are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an except one (the chapter of the sword – the 9th)by uttering these words on the grounds of the WH, Bergdahl (the father) sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam. There is no question but POTUS knows this.”

~Allen West

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