Charismaticism, Strange Fire, and Poison
Strange fire in Lev. 10:1-2 was offered in worship to God by Aaron's sons who were priests. Repeatedly throughout the OT we see God not accepting unholy practices in worship of Him, which includes worldly pagan practices.
The strange fire we see today is occultic in nature. At best the "mild" Charismaticism is still at the heart (which is true for all doctrines of the Charismatic movements and its daughters (WOF and NAR) ) is this: a very low view of Scripture and rebellion to obey it.
To deny God's Word is to remove the constraints which HE has given in regard to doctrine and practice.
To deny His Word is to open one'se self up to another authority instead of God alone. This is treason.
It is to sit in the seat of scoffers, to say in unison with the Ancient Serpent: "Hath God said?"
Are we to befriend, even defend, those who have done such a thing? Are we to pet the snake on his head and say, "Well he hasn't bitten ME yet...after all he's part of God's creation. Let him alone, he's got some good things to offer these sheep over here."??
In The Downgrade Contraversy, written primarily by Spurgeon :
We are grateful to the editor of Word and Work for speaking out so plainly. He says:—
"In The Sword and the Trowel for the present month Mr. Spurgeon gives no uncertain sound concerning departures from the faith. His exposure of the dishonesty which, under the cover of orthodoxy, assails the very foundations of faith is opportune in the interests of truth. No doubt, like a faithful prophet in like evil times, he will be called a 'troubler of Israel,' and already we have noticed he has been spoken of as a pessimist; but any such attempts to lessen the weight of his testimony are only certain to make it more effective. When a strong sense of duty prompts public speech it will be no easy task to silence it.
"The preachers of false doctrine dislike nothing more than the premature detection of their doings. Only give them time enough to prepare men's minds for the reception of their 'new views,' and they are confident of success. They have had too much time already, and any who refuse to speak out now must be held to be 'partakers of their evil deeds.' As Mr. Spurgeon says, 'A little plain-speaking would do a world of good just now. These gentlemen desire to be let alone. They want no noise raised. Of course thieves hate watch-dogs, and love darkness. It is time that somebody should spring his rattle, and call attention to the way in which God is being robbed of his glory and man of his hope.'
End quote.
God will not be mocked. He will indeed bring out what was done in secret by men who call themselves Christian teachers yet wed themselves to wolves. Secondary separation becomes, indeed, primary separation because such men who fellowship ("greet" ---"rejoice" as it says in 2John 11) show that they are wicked men without love for the Truth, God, and the souls of others. For a simliar view go to Daniel's Place.
2Jo 1:9 Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, 11 for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.
1Jn 2:15 "Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. " Wolves like Piper, Driscoll, and MacDonald love the world; they have NO love for the things of God, that which is pure, but rather they love that which is impure, unholy, and approve of those who also do likewise (namely each other).
A little poison can be very deadly.
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