Wednesday, January 22, 2014

55 Million Babies Gone


55 Million Babies Murdered over 40 years of Roe v. Wade. What does that number really look like? Check out that map. There's the equivalent in state populations. This doesn't include unreported abortions, and doesn't include California's data as it has not reported the abortions done here in over a decade (same with New Hampshire), so the number is no doubt well over 55 million babies murdered.

"Today, this 27 year-old is writing to you as a survivor of that decision. The undeniable fact is that nearly a third of my generation is missing. We are missing brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, husbands and wives.
You see, Miss Weddington’s generation got it wrong. In attempting to correct gender inequality in the workplace and in our society, they set into motion the ultimate act of discrimination – abortion. Instead of glorifying motherhood, they pitted the mother against her child, creating an endless cycle of selfishness, pain, and deceit...."
"Since abortion was legalized in 1973 by the Roe v. Wade decision, over 55 million developing babies have died through abortion. Fifty-five million is a big number and hard to visualize. 

To commemorate the lives that were lost, one million deaths are remembered at the tolling of each bell and states begin to disappear to represent the numbers of children who have disappeared."
May I add to those "conservative" "Christians" who voted for pro-abortion politicians in the last general election, that even the equivalent of just ONE state's worth of abortion "as better than" that of  18 states is still just as evil. "Less" is still too many murders of innocent lives. Shame on anyone who voted for that and I pray God forgive you and grant you repentance.

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