Excerpts from Herescope--excellent--especially given the recent Passion 2014 conference and the upcoming mystical Linger Conference:
Sensa Scriptura [(sens’ uh] [skrɪpt ər’ uh])]
[Sensa (n.) Middle English < Latin sēnsus. sensation, feeling, understanding, equivalent to sent (īre) to feel +-tus,. Scriptura (n.) Latin scrīptūra: writing. See script, -ure)]
3.The careful staging of a spiritual environment wherein mood-altering experiences, cues, impressions, feelings and/or mystical revelations can be personally considered valid and true, and even of superior value than the Scriptures alone. This method can sometimes be quite elaborate with carefully orchestrated sensory stimulidesigned to alter the objective mind (rational thinking) and affect the subjective soul (feelings and emotions) thereby altering cognitive beliefs, values, and morals.
4. To reach out and touch the feminine side that is thought to comprise one-half of every human brain. To this end, the interpreter-communicator utilizes a flowery, feminized and vanity-laden method of interpreting Scripture based upon an experiential, emotional, relational, and “speaks-to-my-heart” paradigm. This modus operandiis designed to delicately and sweetly arouse personal passion and pietism. This arousal can be facilitated by employing visual cues of fancy swash type fonts (see graphic illustrations below) to help the audience “feel” the counterfeited word.
5. Conversely, to reach out and touch the macho side that is thought to comprise the other half of the human brain (there’s no firm distinction which clearly differentiates the feminine from the masculine, and vice versa). To this end, the interpreter-communicator employs an aggressive and evocative “warrior” or “tribe” mentality to the interpretation of the Bible. But this paradigmatic method of interpretation inflames the idea of “manly” dominion over their wives, families and churches. Absent constraints over the arousal of passionate manly dominion, abuses can result.
6. A paradigm-shattering, passion-based and peer-oriented youth conference which conveys a promise that attendance will make all participants “Christianly hip.” As a prelude to the event, fasting and other sensory deprivations, including loss of sleep, are advised so as to make the arousals of the conference more acute. Passions are then stoked in the large gathering by raucous rock music accompanied by a deafening beat, flashing lights, and released smoke, even as cameras pan the excited, chanting and shouting audience for broadcast on jumbotrons of the images of hyped-up excitement that explode all over the arena. In the aftermath of this created cauldron of excitement and passion, “new insights and revelations” about, or in place of, the Bible are shared—revelations which alter prevailing concepts about God’s “truth” and “mission.”
Note: the passions induced by such sensual measures seldom last. In the aftermath of the arousals, emotional let-downs occur. A question arises: Did I really experience God? Then “reversionism” sets in as burned-out participants go back to previous behaviors and beliefs, or worse, to unbelief (See 2 Peter 2:18-22.). Therefore it may come about that emotional stimulation may have to resort to other sensory methods to sustain the passion and commitment—coercion and peer-pressure, even threats, deprivation or other punitive stimuli. Hence forms the spiritual environment of a cult. Frolic turns into fear.
End quote.
Go to Herescope for the entire article.
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