Saturday, January 04, 2014

The Doctrine of Hell and Varying Punishments In Hell

"Do not begin telling me that there is a metaphorical fire in hell. Who worries about that? If a man were to threaten to give me a metaphorical blow on the head, I should worry very little about it. He would be welcome to give me as many as he pleased. And what do the wicked say? 'We do not worry about metaphorical fires.' But they are real, sir, yes, as real as yourself." - Spurgeon

The truth about hell and punishment.

But hell is much more individual that that. And the Scripture indicates to us that not everyone suffers in hell to the same degree. We know the Bible teaches there are degrees of reward in heaven that not every believer will receive the same reward when we go to heaven. We’ll receive the same eternal life, the same perfection, the same eternal righteousness, the same opportunity to live in heaven and be in the Father’s house and all of that. But there will be degrees of reward in heaven.
At the same time, there will be degrees of punishment in hell. And the Scripture indicates this very clearly. Let me read to you Luke chapter 12, starting at verse 41. “Peter said, ‘Lord, are You addressing this parable to us? Or to everyone else as well?’” And this was a parable about the Lord’s coming and being ready for His return.

"How do you evangelize people? You lead them to the holy Scripture. Even a person back from the dead wouldn’t persuade them if they’re unwilling to listen to Scripture. Foolish people think they can persuade people on the way to hell to change the style of their wardrobe, the style of their music, or the kind of environment they create. How foolish. If they don’t listen to Scripture, they will not be persuaded. Scripture is the only persuasive means that the Holy Spirit uses to regenerate and rescue souls from hell.
So, knowing the gospel, knowing the biblical gospel, that’s what we must use. That’s the Scripture. So next Sunday night, we’re going to move from “Saved from what?” to “Saved by what? Talk about the importance and essential character of the gospel."

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