The End Time reported about Chan's joining of heretical teachers such as Todd White, above.

This picture is floating around the internet. That's Chan, Hinn, and Bickle.
The Cripplegate finally had someone realize Chan's an apostate --well they didn't say that exactly. They're only 12 years late to the game. Why wasn't Chan's embracing of Mike Bickle (NAR heretic) enough? Certainly not Chan's Emergent Church Movement activies. Not his heresy on Hell. Not his social justice righteousness. Not his abandoning his church to traipse off to Asia for several weeks to try and suffer to see how awful American Evangelicals truly are. Not his embracing of disgraced, foul mouthed, filthy, unholy Acts 29 founder Mark Driscoll. Not his horrific love-sick-suitor god as he romances the wicked person, on bent knee asking for you to say "yes" to his proposal of eternal life. The problem is that the heretics Chan's palling around with now are easy to spot so they don't post as much danger as those who sneak in and claim sound doctrine as they attach themselves to popular "solid" men. The men who are almost right, are the most dangerous of all. It's the Judas' that blend in for a time--talk the talk, "walk" the walk, until they start teaching their heresies. By then many Evangelicals are too smitten and seduced by their clever tricks & easy words of flattery and Christianese to let go of these men, in fact, they turn their sheep over to these heretics who snuck in. Then they get mad when you warn the sheep of their favorite guy because they have attached themselves, their salvation in some cases, their ministry, their name, their conscience etc to these unprincipled men; attack the false teachers they love, and it's tantamount to attacking their "salvation", their ministry, their name, their conscience because of that attachment. THAT'S why it's wrong to ever attach yourself to men instead of Christ. For more on Chan (including what I've just listed) go here.
There's also this from White's FB page:

Some guy on Youtube said (rebuking the need to ever having to mention this again) that such a photo wasn't enough to tell someone to stop following a guy who hugs a heretic. Well, he's wrong. Scripture says even greeting a heretic makes a person guilty of his wickedness. Plus, Chan is warmly sharing the pulpit with White at a conference. Again, this is condemned by Scripture. 2John 9-11 can't be more clear. Titus 1:9 states that a true elder is to refute heretics, and Paul says that false teachers are to be silenced (Titus 1:1). That's the opposite of what Chan is doing.
In addition to all of that, it's good to remember that Chan also studied himself away from the sound doctrine of Hell and in 2016 wasn't sure if it's a place of eternal torment, calling himself "agnostic" on the issue. His co-writer, infamous confused-on-sodomy (at best) Reformer Preston Sprinkle who, like Chan once held to the sound doctrine but then went "agnostic" to now holding to annihilationism. Is there any surprise here? Sound doctrine is a unit or body of truth. When one begins to reject one sound doctrine, others follow. And this all comes down to one thing: lack of love and faith in what God has said in Scripture and instead, echoing Satan's voice in the Garden to Eve: Hath God said? Will you really die? The sound doctrine of eternal torment has everything to do with God's nature of righteousness, justice, and faithfulness to His Word. His false gospel of works is also condemning.
As Ken Silva reports over at Apprising Ministries:
In The Significance of Youth-Filled Stadiums from Herescope we find out a bit more about these youth movements:
Both Lou Giglio and Lou Engle head up frenzied youth movements filled with excessive “passion” and mood-altering music at popular, packed stadium events. But do they teach the full Gospel of Salvation? There have been many similarities between the two over the years, but with Lou Giglio’s open association with Jesus Culture which Lou Engle endorsed as the new “mantle,” the questions can now be asked: Are they working together in similar alignment?Do they share the same endtime goals and beliefs? Lou Engle’s prophecy (at the top of this post) links Jesus Culture to endtime prophecies that have been circulating in the Latter Rain movement since the late 1980s about a New Breed of youth, which is an “elect seed” that will fill stadiums. These prophecies were delivered by the Kansas City Prophets (now known as the IHOP movement headed by Mike Bickle). Lou Engle, as we have reported previously, and his ministry TheCall and other groups, has been at the forefront of trying to make these prophecies come true. (source)
Now we come full circle to Francis Chan’s appearance along with the aforementioned Jesus Culture at theInternational House of Prayer (IHOP) Young Adult Conference 2013 One Thing, which just wrapped up Tuesday, December 31st.6 You can see above that IHOP extends from Mike Bickle of the nefarious Kansas City Prophets.7 ....
The clip following was taken by IHOP from Chan’s message during Session 8 on Monday, December 30. In my opinion IHOP is using Francis Chan’s comments at One Thing as propaganda in order to borrow Chan’s credibility within the wider evangelical community and promote their leader Mike Bickle.
How foolish of Francis Chan to just gush enthusiastically:
I go, man, there’s a lot of great things going on [at IHOP]. And today was the first time I ever met Mike Bickle. And, I love that guy. I do. And Mike knows—we talked about this—you know, there’s people who told me not to hang out with him.Like, you know, words like “creepy” came up. And yet, I get to know this guy and I’m going, “Man, I love his heart. And I just want to publicly say I love Mike Bickle. (0:18-0:50)
End quote.
(Video clip is on the Apprising page.)
I noted this conference when Chan, who ran away from his church in search of fulfilling his "restlessness", announced he was going to be speaking at this conference. Included are the extreme problems of IHOP and its perpetrators. I heard Chan say in the clip that he was warned about Bickle and after he did some internet research he was impressed with Bickle. This man was not unable to do research, nor would it have been prudent for him to search two words: "Bickle heresy. Easy enough to find out the truth about how bad the man is. But Chan didn't do his research as he should have.
To his utter shame.
Apprising Ministries further reports:
Apprising Ministries further reports:
Francis Chan, a leading influence within the young, restless and reformed within the New Calvinism, has said he loves Mike Bickle; Chan tells us he knows Bickle’s heart, and there’s so much he is agreed upon with Mike Bickle and his cultic IHOP?4. And so we ask: Is Francis Chan really ok with this NAR mythology?
Finally, remember how we learned above that these prophet-leaders’ prophecies often don’t come true; well, below you’ll see NAR Apostle/Prophet Mike Bickle dealing his best to deal with that fact. He’ll try and explain how a prophet doesn’t need to be labeled false if his prophecy doesn’t come true. Rather, says Bickle, “he just missed it.”
Sorry about that Mike Bickle, God said the standard is perfection; a supposed prophecy that doesn’t come true makes one a false prophet because a true prophet of God never misses it. It is written:
21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18: 21-22)But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. (2 Peter 2:1)
And so in the end, we’re left with even more questions now that Francis Chan has so strongly endorsed false prophet Mike Bickle. For example, does Chan really think that God has somehow changed His mind and now He wants us to work in unity with these NAR dreamers who’re bringing in their destructive heresies?
End quote.
~Apprising Ministries Go to the article for the video footage and links.
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