Saturday, April 22, 2023

Disntr Agrees With My Observation: "Conservatives" aren't conservative

 Finally I'm not the only one seeing and saying this.

Excerpts from Disntr:

 "A distressingly growing number of people who claim to be conservative are being taken captive by the LGBTQ movement and led to believe that sexual deviants, simply because they share a dislike of certain Democrat politics, have become our allies."

Indeed, there are many who have been deceived in this way—groups like “Gays Against Groomers” or Bruce Jenner, a cross-dresser and a contributor to Fox News, are now somehow the talking heads of the new conservative movement.

None of these people are conservatives, and none of these people are our allies. These people represent the very essence of progressivism, and simply because they don’t agree with some pet Democrat political issue, we are quick to rush and join hands with these circus clowns as a way to virtue signal our “big tent” mentality and, all in the name of diversity and inclusion, conservatives are now LGBTQ-friendly....

Can we genuinely claim to believe that same-sex marriage and the erosion of the traditional nuclear family precipitate society’s decline, while allying ourselves with “Gays Against Groomers” solely because their approach to their destructive lifestyle is slightly less radical?

End quote. (Bold, my emphasis, italics, mine).

It then goes on, "We shouldn’t be a big tent. We should be exclusive. True conservatives have morals, convictions, and should be unwilling to compromise them this way."  Continue reading here.

I've been saying this for while now. I'm glad Disntr is seeing it and saying something about it too. 

My belief of why "conservatives" are doing this is because they are desperate and want heroes, and want validity at best; at worst they were never conservative but only less liberal. Either way, this is the mentality of "voting for the lesser evil" outworking from politics into society.

They're ok with transgenders as long as they don't prey on children.

They're ok with homosexuals, especially the "conservative" types. 


"Conservativism" is suppose to conserve traditional values and principles, not the least of which is God-ordained marriage and family.

Conservatives aren't even pro-life now.

Conservatives applaud Democrat leaders who leave the DNC, not understanding that they are typically still liberal. The neo-conservatives' pragmatic view is, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". That's corrupt, desperate, and pathetic. And it'll come back to destroy them, or more likely, assimilate them into their side.

More importantly, biblical Christians are truly and unwaveringly conservative, not by man's standard by solely by Scripture's standard. We are not pragmatic, nor desperate, therefore we do not violate Scripture and make allies with people which Yahweh (the Self Existent One (Ex. 3:14-15)) never sanctioned. We don't evaluate things by the flesh, but spiritually and according to the Word through the Holy Spirit.

2Co 10:3  For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4  for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 

1Co 3:19  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS"; 20  and again, "THE LORD KNOWS THE REASONINGS of the wise, THAT THEY ARE USELESS." 

Jas 4:4  You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Isa 30:1  "Woe to the rebellious children," declares the LORD, "Who execute a plan, but not Mine, And make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, In order to add sin to sin; 
Isa 30:2  Who proceed down to Egypt, Without consulting Me, To take refuge in the safety of Pharaoh, And to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt! 
Isa 30:3  "Therefore the safety of Pharaoh will be your shame, And the shelter in the shadow of Egypt, your humiliation. 

 If it didn't work for Israel, neither will it work for those today who use the name of Christ Jesus while seeking shelter in men---especially "less evil", but nonetheless, evil men. Seek shelter in the ONLY Rock that is eternal: God Himself.

Php 3:20  For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;