Rush Limbaugh said the same thing today as I posted yesterday! (Scroll down for excerpts from the transcript).
Wow. People are reacting to the rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask, like the Muslisms act when Muhammad is mocked.
"An Obama-mask clown at the Missouri State Fair was banned for life, after photos and video asking a crowd if they wanted to see Obama 'run down by a bull' went viral. The crowd cheered. Fair officials dubbed the stunt 'unconscionable.' "
~CS Monitor
As the Washington Examiner noted:
Of course the Missouri State Fair can do what it wants, but the lifetime ban seems excessive. Any president comes in for a fair amount of public mockery, and what happened at the State Fair does not seem worse than the mockery of the president that occurred — without consequences like lifetime bans — during George W. Bush’s years in the White House. It’s not necessary to recite all the insults, threats, and other offenses directed at Bush during his presidency; if you were awake during those years, you know there were a lot of them. But perhaps it would be useful to list a few, and ask whether they resulted in punishment and professional exile for those involved.
As far as disrespect and ridicule are concerned, in 2007, TV newswoman Erin Burnett, who then worked for MSNBC, repeatedly referred to Bush as a “monkey” during a report on an economic summit. Burnett, who later apologized, was not banned from television; she is now a prime-time anchor on CNN.
Burnett was not alone; depictions of Bush as a chimpanzee, in particular, were common on the Internet during those years. And not unheard of on television. In October 2009, after Bush left office HBO’s Bill Maher said on his program “Real Time,” that, “Barack Obama, an actual college professor, replaced George Bush, an actual chimp.” Maher was not banned from HBO; he is still the host of the program....
End quote.
York continues on about the imagery also used to depict disrespectful characatures of Bush.
I personally remember the Halloween masks and the SNL skits. If you do a Google search of "George W Bush clown" you can see the plethora of mocking, disrespect and downright irrational hatred of Bush.
This one will do:

This was a California protest against the war in Iraq. (That would be the one that Obama has continued himself for the last 5 years.)
Ok, so here is Rush on this whole ridiculous irrational outrage about the Obama clown:
RUSH: This Missouri clown situation is so out of hand and out of proportion, and I'm gonna tell you what this is like, and I'm not gonna pull any punches. This is no different than those countries reacting freakishly when there were cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. That is exactly what this is. It is as though President Obama is a messiah or is a god and this little thing that happened at the Missouri State Fair is a defamation, a denunciation, almost a religious sacrilege that took place.
He's the president of the United States! They get made fun of! They get laughed at all the time! Fun is poked at 'em. I know this happens to be the first African-American one, but that should not insulate this president from standard, ordinary, everyday treatment, analysis, whatever. You know, you people on the left, who the h*** do you think you are? You can't laugh. You can't take a joke. You can't take a punch. You can't take anything. One little thing that you don't like and this clown can never work, everybody involved is resigning, the state of Missouri might secede from the union. I mean, where's this gonna end? Well, I'm joking about the state of Missouri seceding, bit I wouldn't be surprised if that was the next thing.
....If I were the president of the United States and this was happening in the country that I was president, I would put a stop to this. This is infantile. This is childish. This is worse than political correctness. It's almost as though the president of the United States is a religious leader.
I mean, this is over the top. And the way people are caving on this in Missouri, instead of standing up and pointing out this for what it is. This wasn't a sacrilege; it's a joke, for crying out loud. And presidents are laughed at, and they're poked fun of. Ask George W. Bush. Ask Ronald Reagan. Ask George H. W. Bush. Ask Clinton, for crying out loud.
This burns me. This is outrageous. This is no different than what happened in all those countries that had the cartoons of the prophet and militant Muslims had a cow over it, went nuts. It's exactly what's happening here. What do we have, a president of the United States who is above all this? We have a president who's above criticism, above being mocked, above being laughed at? We have not just a president, we have an entire Democrat political party and the American left which thinks that they are so d*** special that they cannot be mocked, they cannot be made fun of.
End quote. [I changed the two offensive words, so its not part of the transcript]
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