"A group called The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) is planning a one million Muslims march to Washington D.C. on September 11th. The timing of the group's march is seen by many as tasteless (to say the least) considering it is scheduled for the anniversary of the worst domestic massacre in American history perpetrated in the name of Islam. AMPAC ups the tasteless quotient by issuing "demands" for the American government:"
As already reported by WND:
“Islam is coming and there is no other choice,” he told Kleinabout America and Europe...That sentiment was expressed by Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadiya Salafiya in the Gaza Strip, speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio.
“And we will raise the Islamic flag on every point on earth where Muslims live and we will chase all the enemies of Islam wherever they are. Even in the West, in Europe and in the United States.”
Don't underestimate this image (from Breitbart):

This is the goal of Islam. The way to get us here is by this:

and this:

Remember, Islam is not merely a religion, it is a political-religion.
"Three primary points are usually left out of the Islamic discussion.The central problem with most Islamic analysis is that it underestimates the weight of the moral and intellectual chains imposed on Islam by its founder and his early followers...
First, the most irrational, violent, and intolerant chapters in the Koran--the "Verse of the Sword" (Sura 9:5), most notably--were "revealed" in Medina, late in Muhammad's life, after the ones potentially amenable, and therefore they abrogate the earlier chapters. Allah's order to "kill the unbelievers wherever you find them" is an injunction, not a suggestion. "When we destroy a population," Allah says, "then we destroy them utterly" (17:16-17). Such words are as unamenable to rationalist disambiguation as the order to "fight those who do not profess the true faith till they pay the jiziya (poll tax) with the hand of humility."
"Second, Islamic debate underestimates the weight of Muhammad's personal legacy..."
"Third, Muhammad invented jihad in his lifetime; Islam was spread by jihad in its first century, and it has been defined by jihad ever since. Islam had developed a doctrine, legal system, and historical practice of mandatory violence against nonbelievers many decades before the Mu'tazilite thinkers (believed Allah was accessible to rational thought and inquiry) were born. Muhammad's early followers adopted bloodshed and terrorism as a divinely ordained method...."
" A redirected Islam of a reform nature would no longer be Islam.For the majority of Muslims in America and throughout the world,any such attempt is considered as heretical today as it was at its foundation. "
~Greg Hengler
First, the most irrational, violent, and intolerant chapters in the Koran--the "Verse of the Sword" (Sura 9:5), most notably--were "revealed" in Medina, late in Muhammad's life, after the ones potentially amenable, and therefore they abrogate the earlier chapters. Allah's order to "kill the unbelievers wherever you find them" is an injunction, not a suggestion. "When we destroy a population," Allah says, "then we destroy them utterly" (17:16-17). Such words are as unamenable to rationalist disambiguation as the order to "fight those who do not profess the true faith till they pay the jiziya (poll tax) with the hand of humility."
"Second, Islamic debate underestimates the weight of Muhammad's personal legacy..."
"Third, Muhammad invented jihad in his lifetime; Islam was spread by jihad in its first century, and it has been defined by jihad ever since. Islam had developed a doctrine, legal system, and historical practice of mandatory violence against nonbelievers many decades before the Mu'tazilite thinkers (believed Allah was accessible to rational thought and inquiry) were born. Muhammad's early followers adopted bloodshed and terrorism as a divinely ordained method...."
" A redirected Islam of a reform nature would no longer be Islam.For the majority of Muslims in America and throughout the world,any such attempt is considered as heretical today as it was at its foundation. "
~Greg Hengler
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