Someone tell Obama that Jacksonville,Georgia and Savannah are not on the Gulf Coast.
RUSH: Here's Obama on The Tonight Show Tuesday night and Leno said, "You mentioned infrastructure. Why is infrastructure a partisan issue? I live in a town, the bridge is falling apart, it isn't safe. How does that become Republican or Democrat? Why don't you just go fix the bridge?"
OBAMA: I don't know. As you know, for the last three years, I've said, "Let's work together." Let's find a financing mechanism and let's go ahead and fix our bridges, fix our roads, sewer systems, our ports. You know, the Panama Canal is being widened so that these big supertankers can come in. Now, that’ll be finished in 2015. If we don't deepen our ports all along the Gulf, places like Charleston, South Carolina, or Savannah, Georgia, or Jacksonville, Florida, if we don't do that, those ships are going to go someplace else. And we'll lose jobs. Businesses won't locate here. So this is something that traditionally has been bipartisan. I mean, it used to be Republicans and Democrats, they love cutting those ribbons. [video clip here]
RUSH: Now let me take a stab at this because I can answer this easily. Of course the gaffe there is Obama saying, "Look, we have to deepen our ports all along the gulf, places like Charleston, South Carolina, which is on the Atlantic ocean. Savannah, Georgia, on the Atlantic ocean, Jacksonville, Florida, on the Atlantic ocean. None of these are on the Gulf.
Now, you remember what grief Sarah Palin got when she said she could see Russia from her house. You remember that? And you remember how that statement, maybe at the top of the list, that statement from Sarah Palin was the primary means by which the media set out to destroy her, her intelligence, her credibility. And here is Barack Obama, not knowing what he's talking about, sounding so sure of himself. In fact, the AP has written about this and doesn't even mention the gaffe. They are whitewashing it. They have written a story that essentially praises Obama's brilliance for understanding that we need to deepen the ports. They don't even touch on the gaffe. This kind of stuff genuinely ticks me off....
RUSH: By the way, folks, just to remind you: Sarah Palin never, ever said that she could see Russia from her house. Tina Fey said it on Saturday Night Live impersonating Palin, and it became popularly assumed by people that Palin actually said it. She never said it. Yet Tina Fey impersonating Palin saying that she could see Russia from her house became one of the primary reasons for Republicans to run around saying, "Well, this woman's not smart enough....

[Editor's Note:Check it out at Wikipedia. The small island is the US, the larger one is Russia.Images by Dave Cohoe.]
She never said it qualified her for foreign policy, which was part of the Tina Fey joke. Here we have a legitimate statement of gaffe proportions -- and, by the way, there were three or four of them on Leno and they're unremarked upon. The AP, in their effort to whitewash Obama's gaffe, actually added words to their report to cover for the guy. The AP printed, quote, "If we don't deepen our ports along the Gulf (and in) places like..."
They added the words "and in," and they put them in parentheses, which means it's not a direct quote. It's assumed. But Obama didn't say "and in." He said, "Our ports along the Gulf in places like..." They added the words "and in" and changed the whole thing. It's a whitewash, cover up.
~Rush Limbaugh
That's not the first time Obama said the SAME THING as even Obama apologizer Mediaite admits:
July 25 Transcript via The White House:
End quote.
That's not the first time Obama said the SAME THING as even Obama apologizer Mediaite admits:
July 25 Transcript via The White House:
“And then private companies came onboard here at Jaxport. They saw it as a good investment. And we’re building the same kind of partnerships across the country — especially, by the way, in some of these Gulf ports — Charleston, Savannah. And now, these ports are on track to be better prepared for those supertankers and their cargo loads ahead of schedule. “
That July speech also wasn’t the first time the President made such a reference. In remarks at an Atlanta, Georgia DNC event on May 19, the President said “Roads, bridges, ports all across the Gulf — I was down in Costa Rica meeting with the Central American Presidents, and I was reminded once again, Panama is revamping its canal; they’re going to be bringing in these mega-container cargo ships. And right now a bunch of those ships can’t dock in our ports all along the Gulf — Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana. And if we don’t revamp those, we’re going to lose business.”
End quote.
I think most people remember the constant criticizing of George W. Bush and his gaffes because the media used it to try to discredit Bush as a bumbling cowboy idiot from the backwaters of Texas (while he actually was a graduate of Yale University and got his MBA from Harvard, nor was he hopeless without a teleprompter). Also they hounded Dan Quayle (remember?), as Michelle Malkin noted according to News Busters:
Malkin's reax: "The parenthetical Obama Gulf gaffe rescue would be akin to putting an "(s)" after "potatoe" to cover for Dan Quayle." Exactly."
More gaffes by Obama:
OBAMA: Keeping our military strong means keepin' our families strong. Michelle and vice ... president... uh... uh... eh... The, uh... Joe Biden's wife, Dr. Jill Biden, they've made this their mission.
RUSH: Whew. Folks, that's not a gaffe. He didn't remember her name, and that means probably that the teleprompter froze....
Obama on Leno, "The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately." Another gaffe. He did say that. I double checked this. "The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately." Well obviously he's trying to say, "Eh, terrorism? It's no big deal. More people die in car crashes, unfortunately."
He was trying to express solidarity with families who've lost people in car crashes, by acknowledging how terrible that is. (translated) "It's still terrible, very terrible. But terrorism is not nearly that bad." Infantile! In another gaffe, Obama said that Putin, Vladimir Putin, used to head the KGB. Putin did not head the KGB, never has. Putin was a mid-level nobody there. Putin was one of those guys in the KGB who was a climber. He was forever hoping, climbing that ladder, trying to get to the head spot.
But he never got there.
He was a nobody.....
More Obama gaffes over the years:
OBAMA May 9, 2008: I've now been in 57 states?
OBAMA June 5, 2008: You send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma. They end up taking up a hospital bed. You gave 'em treatment early, and they got some treatment, and a -- a breathalyzer or a in-hullator.
OBAMA April 4, 2009: I don't know the term is in Austrian.
OBAMA February 4, 2010: Navy corpse-man Christian Bouchard.
OBAMA February 4, 2010: Corpse-man Bouchard.
OBAMA February 4, 2010: Corpse-man Bouchard.
OBAMA May 26, 2008: On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today.
RUSH: Corpse-man? That last one, that was Memorial Day 2008. "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes," that means killed in action, "and I see many of them in the audience here today." He looked out and he saw the dead! Which, of course, he didn't. And, in each one of these, if the media was inclined to talk about, it would be, "You know he didn't mean that! You know he didn't mean that. Come on. You know he knows Biden's wife's name. What are you talking about?
Well, one example I'm talking about is I have not drank the Kool-Aid. I do not believe that Obama is smarter than anybody else. I do not believe he has cut a new path and is a politician unlike any we've ever seen regarding his intellect. I don't believe any of this hocus-pocus. I didn't believe it when they said it about Hillary, Smartest Woman in the World.
End quote. Source (includes links to the various newspapers who reported on these various things)
I don't know. Maybe the media is as ignorant (thanks to the HIGH standards of government schools) as Obama is.
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