Friday, August 23, 2013

Obama's Claims

Here's a good example of taking what a liberal, Obama in this case, says and turn it around, and then you get something that is closer to the truth:

“Ultimately the buck stops with me,” Obama replied. “I get frustrated, and I’ve said before and I continue to say I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what’s good for the country.”


Interestingly in the same interview he gave to CNN, he says that most of his Republican friends agree with him regarding Obamacare, but they are afraid of coming out and saying so out of fear of Rush Limbaugh. LOL. Ok, I have to laugh at that. Limbaugh? Afraid of him? They should be afraid of all true conservatives, because its the people who vote these guys in! If they aren't doing their constitutional duty (which is NOT what Obamacare, regardless of what Obama claims in that same interview--calling it one of the few "core responsibilities" of congress), they should be fired.

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