Thursday, May 16, 2013

Welcome to Your World, Liberals

I've often said, although in a slightly different, although somewhat related vein, that liberals will be the first victims of what they unquestioningly promote: liberalism. That is to say, liberals demand government involvement into the personal lives of everyone, telling them how to live and not live, think and speak, all with the threat of punishment even or especially by the government (that's supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people).

It is the liberals who have been the most intolerant of those who disagree with them, many with the admitted view that those who disagree should be shut down. This is bullying; its terrorizing people opposing them into submission (the same tactics of Islam, for example).

And now their liberalism has come home to roost.

Finally the liberals, the ones in the media right now, along with a few in politics, are getting a taste of their own worldview thrown back at them. The DOJ looking into work and personal phone records, emails, and faxes of AP reports  is what liberalism is all about.

It was ok for the IRS to do this to the Conservative groups (Tea Party, Patriot, Christian).

Suddenly its not ok when its done to their own.

Welcome to what its like to feel the intrusion of one's rights, Lefties. This is what your worldview does. It destroys the very rights you enjoy and the ones you wanted taken away from those nasty Conservatives.

How does it feel? Not good, right?

Time to grow up and leave Liberalism behind. You are closer to Communism than Conservatives (Socialism or Statism is only half a step from Communism, really). You want government intrusion on Conservatives but not yourselves, not your domain, not your profession. But you can't have it both ways, Libs. That's what we've been trying to tell you for years.

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