Saturday, May 03, 2014

The Boundaries Fade As "Christian" Leaders From All Camps Merge In Praise Of Each Other's Books and Each Other

Rom 16:17  Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. 18  For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. 

LuvFest 2014

James MacDonald
Matt Chandler
Steve Furtick
TD Jakes
Craig Groeschel
Jentezen Franklin
Christine Caine
Ed Young Jr.
Perry Noble
Mark Driscoll
Rick Warren

Each of these men (and woman) is in serious, grave error, and yet all of them find unity as they endorse each other. This is about borrowing from each other's audience, and not about the Truth. Flattery is condemned by God.

Here, Reformers, Emergents (or rather, as I call them, Reformergents), Word of Faithers, Modalist (anti-Trinitarian pagan), pagan Pelagian (Arminian), and Charismatics (Reformed, WOF) don't unify on biblical doctrine--not even the Gospel---but simply on

Each Other.

It is politics within "Christianity". It's no different than finding George W. Bush working together with Ted Kennedy, or Boehner working with Obama and praising the amnesty idea (while slamming the more conservative voters of the Tea Party). Except with directly related spiritual issues (as in teaching, books, fellowship) it's of immediate and spiritual consequence.

It is conspiracy against King Jesus while claiming luv. However, if they had true agape love for God and for the truth, they would hate the wickedness of these men and have absolutely NOTHING to do with them, but rather separate from them (how about refusing to even start ministrying with them in the first place?), and call them publicly to repent of their heinous sin.

1Co 13:6  does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth

Psa 26:4 I do not sit with deceitful men, Nor will I go with pretenders.

1Th 2:3  For our exhortation does not come from error or impurity or by way of deceit; 
1Th 2:4  but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts. 
1Th 2:5  For we never came with flattering speech, as you know, nor with a pretext for greed--God is witness-- 
1Th 2:6  nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority.

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