(photo source)
If you don't bother reading the Bible every day....
If you don't go to Scripture first to know what God says on any given issue of life....
If you run to the world's philosophies first.....
If Scripture is your "ultimate" authority but not your first and only authority....
Then please don't fake astonishment or sadness when you hear that 80 Christians were shot dead in N. Korea for owning a Bible.
You don't even read it. You wouldn't die for it.
But you sure argue against it when it demands you stop sinning, repent of your sin, and tells you are totally depraved with nothing good in you and that your only hope is in the biblical risen Jesus Christ.
You argue against it when it says that women are not to be in leadership over men, demands you are to separate yourself from false teachers and call them out, that you are to reject all the world's philosophies like evolution and psychology.
That which you claim sadness over (slaughter of Christians for owning a Bible) doesn't jive with your own rebellion against those very Scriptures.
You have already declared war on the Word and all who are loyal to it and its Author alone.
You might as well shoot those same Christians for the same reason. In fact, you do when you insult them and persecute them for holding Scripture above all things in the most highly exalted place (Ps. 138:2).
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