Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Mark Driscoll And Mars Hill Practice "Demon Trials" Where they Pray to Demons and Put Them On Trial

Jud 1:8  Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties. 
Jud 1:9  But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"
Jud 1:10  But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed. 
Jud 1:11  Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. 

Driscoll and Mars Hill are very much into the Strange Fire.Demon trails at his church includes praying to demons and he also teaches Generational curses--both are hallmarks of the Word of Faith movement. I grew up "binding satan" and "confessing" sin and then "rebuking Satan" and coming against him in Jesus name, to get rid of "demons". Folks this INVOKES demons! I especially find the rule to the demons "that there will be no profanity" given that's exactly what Driscoll is known for (not to mention the list of sins needed to be confesses---sexual (he's guilty of pornographic visions) as well as lying (plagiarism anyone?). Piper and Piper's fans should've rejected this man long ago, but people love to play with Strange Fire while claiming spiritual superiority. These people are impure and unclean spiritually and should be SHUNNED.

Of utmost interest is the following. These things are straight out of the Charismatic movement and found in the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Movement. This is taken directly from the site (it might be removed one day, given the pattern thus far at Mars Hill). As of today, it still is up at this link. Keep in mind that Driscoll has had pornographic visions and has been caught lying, and lying, and plagiarism. Yes the word that comes to mind is: hypocrite. Matt. 23 tells us what Jesus thinks about such hypocrites. And it isn't pretty. (Bold, red are my emphasis, except in the delineation of "steps" in which bold is original).

Spiritual Inventory
Satan is a liar (John 8:42–47) and God tells us the truth so that we can be free of Satan and his lies and our besetting sins (John 8:31–41). Therefore, it is imperative that we confess our sins, are truthful, and invite the light of God to shine into our darkest places (1 John 1:5–2:6). This process of complete and total honesty can be very painful as we name our sins and the most private and scarred portions of our soul. Your temptation may be to partially confess or withhold a few things that you feel are too embarrassing or painful to admit, but you must be completely honest with yourself and with God so that you can join God in the truth and be forgiven and restored. So, please take some time to answer the following questions truthfully on another sheet of paper, trusting that God loves you as His child and desires to make you whole and well through His grace. 

  • Please read Galatians 5:19–21 and list each thing that has been a besetting and/or habitual sin for you. 
  • Please read Colossians 3:5–8 and list each thing that has been a besetting and/or habitual sin for you.
  • Please read Mark 7:21–23 and list each thing that has been a besetting and/or habitual sin for you.
  • Please consider the following list and list each thing that has been besetting and/or habitual for you: bestiality, habitual lying, physically unhealthy, masturbation, lying, pornography, ongoing depression, suicidal thoughts, alcohol abuse, drug use, anger, blasphemy, violence, self-inflicted injury, rape, incest, eating disorders, mental illness, pedophilia, and anything else that comes to mind. 
  • Please consider the following list of sins that may have been committed against you or by you: rape, incest, molestation, other forms of abuse (e.g., physical, sexual, mental, emotional), as well as anything else that comes to mind. 
  • Please briefly explain any involvement you may have had with the occult, witchcraft, or anything spiritual other than orthodox biblical Christianity. 
  • Please briefly list any of your ancestors and any activity they may have been involved in with the occult, witchcraft, other religions, drug use, alcohol abuse, sexual deviancy, rape, incest, mental illness, and anything else listed above or that comes to mind. 
  • Please briefly describe your sleeping patterns, including any inability to sleep and ongoing nightmares or disturbances.
  • Please briefly list any paranormal/supernatural experiences you have had. 
  • Please briefly list any voices you hear and what they generally speak to you in the exact words that you hear or think. 
  • Please briefly list the main two or three things that you would like resolved immediately. 
  • Please read 1 John 4 slowly and pray each part that strikes you, honestly speaking with God about the things His Holy Spirit brings to mind. 
  • Please name the godly person you want to join us. 
[Note: there is no such thing as generational curses. When a person is born from Above, they are totally forgiven and no longer under the curse of the Law (Rom. 8:1-2). Furthermore generational curses aren't biblical. This is straight teaching from the Strange Fire of the Word of Faith TBN teachers.]

Spiritual Warfare Trial
Step #1 – Share the gospel and make sure they are a Christian.

Step #2 – Explain the world, flesh, and devil, and how ground is given. 

Step #3 – Explain our trial.
  • 1 John 4:1–6
  • Ephesians 6:10–18
  • 1 Peter 5:8
  • Explain demonic oppression, occupation, and possession 
[Note: there is no such thing as a difference between "occupation and possession by demons. This is a false dichotomy.]
Step #4 – Explain the counselee’s participation.
  • Our authority is in Christ.
  • You must tell the entire truth.
  • Tell me everything the demon tells you, no matter how odd it may seem. 
  • Tell me everything you see, no matter how odd it may seem. 
  • Pride and fear will hinder our progress.

Step #5 – Explain confessing and canceling sin.

Step #6 – Establish the ground rules.
[My note: this is where they start praying to demons and this is what invokes demons.]
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ . . . 
I will be using the personal pronoun we because I stand with ___________ united with them as their brother in Jesus Christ and since the Holy Spirit lives in us we command you in the name and authority of the One True God who rules as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are an unwanted intruder and who is going to have to leave upon command.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we . . . 
  • establish our authority over Satan and demons delegated to us by the Lord Jesus Christ
  • bind the strong man
  • command that you convey your answers to _____________ and they will convey your answers to me. You will not speak to me because you are on trial and under the authority delegated to me by the Lord Jesus Christ. 
  • command that you not change your authority structure, hide, duplicate your identity, or change your name
  • there will be no profanity
  • you will answer every question directed at you clearly, concisely, immediately, completely, and truthfully
  • command that you will not have any outside help or reinforcement during this trial
  • command that the answers you give must stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty
  • there will be one-way traffic only from the demon to the pit. You will not in any way bother anyone else anywhere at any time, especially those in the room and their families, including but not limited to entering another person.
  • bind you by any name you give, and will name you if needed
  • command that you speak only that which can be used against you
  • bind you by the ground rules we lay down
  • command that there will be no control of the mind, confusion of the mind, tongue, or body, that they will maintain complete self-control and there would be no harm done to them in any way
  • you will take all of your associates and your collective works and effects with you
  • ask you Holy Spirit to rule over all spirits and force them to cooperate according to the ground rules and punish any who seek to disobey them
[Note: such a prayer is demon-focused, and is full of pride of one's claim to authority over demons. Morever, it denies God's absolute and SOLE authority over all demons, and worse, ASKS the Holy Spirit to rule over spirits and force them to obey man's mere list of trial ground rules---none of which is found in Scripture.]
Step #7 – Declarations of truth.

We claim the following declarations of truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty . . . 
we claim protection from and authority over Satan and all his demons (Luke 10:18–20)
we claim our position in Christ and that all things under Christ’s authority are now under our authority (Eph. 1:18–2:8)
we claim our victory in the Lord Jesus Christ (Col. 2:13–15)
[Note: this is usurping the authority of Christ Jesus over that which He did not give us. What HE has rule over does not make us rulers as well. This is blasphemy, making man equal with Christ.]
Step #8 – Determine two or three primary areas to begin.

Step #9 – Confess sins and cancel grounds and command leaving in each area one at a time.

Take each category and have the person pray to God to confess and repent of their sins in each category. Then have them cancel any ground given, command that the named spirit and all of his works and effects and all of his servants and their works and effects be cast away to the pit for judgment by God. Then, have them request that the Holy Spirit reclaim all the ground they had given and rule in that area of their life. 
[Note: this list is not found in Scripture, except about confessing sins to one another (James 5:16). WE cannot cancel sin. Again this is usurping that power that ONLY Jesus Christ has: canceling our sin. This was a common practice in the Charismatic movement while I was in it--as instructed by our prophetess and others.]
Step #10 – Ask the Spiritual Inventory questions.

Often it is best to begin with addressing ancestral sin and address it first because it tends to have the deepest root in someone’s life. The counselee can pray something like, "Lord Jesus, if there are any spirits who have anything to do with me, body, soul, or spirit because of my ancestral sin, I ask that you please forgive this sin and cancel any ground they have held against me."
[Note: Again, more generational curses, straight out of the Word of Faith Movement. All the leading WOF heretics like Joyce Meyer and Benny Hinn teach this. Moreover, this rejects the complete and total forgiveness found in Christ alone when we are saved: Rom 8:1  Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. ]
Rom 8:2  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. 

If there are any demons working in (name) in the area of (issue), we bind all of you together along with all of your works and effects and command that you come forward.

We now command that spirit holding highest authority of all those bound and brought forward in the area of (issue) to step forward alone. We put a hedge of thorns around you, above you, and below you. You will not be interfered with by anyone. 

Then address that spirit holding highest authority of the group bound and brought forward and ask them.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ . . . 

  1. What is your name?
  • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?
  • You have responded to the name ______, we bind you by that name and upon command you will go to the pit bound by that name with all of your works and effects and all of your associates and their works and effects as well. 

  • When did you come?

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

  • What work were you commissioned to do?

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

  • By what means do you hope to destroy them?

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

  • What habitual lies have you told them?

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

  • Who sent you?

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

  • How many associates are working under you?

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

  • What effects have you had on them? 

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

  • Do you still hold any ground against (name) that would keep you from leaving him/her upon command? 

    • Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God Almighty?

    In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we command (demon’s name) to leave (person) with all of your works and effects and all of your associates and their works and effects and go to the pit immediately. We command this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

    Then pray for the Holy Spirit to fill the areas just vacated.

    This process can then be repeated through each major area. 

    Finally, command that the highest-ranking spirit remaining other than the Holy Spirit (if there is one) step forward and identify themselves to ensure none has been overlooked. Complete the process of cleansing. Close with a general prayer to cover anything that may have been overlooked.
    [Note: Repeatedly taking the name of Jesus Christ in vain as they pray to demons. Treating demons as if they are on trial by a Christian and that Christians is a lawyer against him, is utter foolishness and blasphemy. This is trivializing the seriousness of TRUE demon possession and the name of Jesus Christ buy trumping up some phoney "trial" as if demons have the obligation to submit to such "lawyer Christians". This is not found anywhere in Scripture. The only ones who ever dealt with demons was Jesus Christ Himself and the apostles. That's it. Driscoll is neither.]
    Step #11 – Recommended ways to keep the trial moving.

    Stop and pray to the Holy Spirit asking Him to intervene as needed and enforce the ground rules. Stop to read Scripture such as Psalm 18, Psalm 27, Psalm 31, Psalm 35, Psalm 83, etc. 
    [Note: demanding the Holy Spirit to enforce man-made demon trial rules is blasphemy.]
    Step #12 – Follow-up recommendations for the counselee. 

    • Keep short sin accounts with God.
    • Pray offensively.
    • Read Scripture.
    • Do not obsess over lies and accusations.
    • Be in fellowship.
    • Schedule another appointment if things arise.
    • Exercise the authority Christ has given you. 
    • Be careful to avoid arrogant pride.
    • Keep a journal to record lies and accusations. 
    • Read the recommended resources.

    End quote.
    This is invoking demons as this is nothing but praying TO demons. Moreover, it is the height of hypocrisy for such a man like Driscoll and his ilk to claim superiority over demons and those who they think are demon oppressed/possessed/occupied, and demand full truth from both the person and the demon(s), while they themselves are in sin (the Mars Hill church is a den of iniquity---Emergent, unholy, and irreverent).  The only instruction we are given in dealing with Satan is this:
    Jas 4:4  You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 
    Jas 4:5  Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: "He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us"? 
    Jas 4:6  But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, "GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE." 
    Jas 4:7  Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 
    Jas 4:8  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 
    Jas 4:9  Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. 
    Jas 4:10  Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. 

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