(NaturalNews) There's a reason why many of the people you see regularly guzzling down diet sodas and opting for low- or fat-free dairy when they order their morning lattes are some of the most overweight, unhealthy people in society. Dairy products that have been stripped of their natural fats and fatty acid profiles not only promote unhealthy weight gain but also increase a person's risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other related ailments.
Believe it or not, the ridiculous "fat makes you fat" myth is still surprisingly prevalent in many segments of society. Many old-school doctors and dietitians, for example, still actively encourage their patients to eat plenty of whole grains and avoid saturated fats, two grossly ill-advised recommendations that will continue to make people fat and ill until this flawed ideology is completely and forever tossed into the dustbin of bad science.
But this will only happen through continued education on the latest science, which is abundantly clear on the matter. As highlighted by Dr. Chris Kresser on his blog, a series of recent studies conclusively shows that consumption of low- and non-fat dairy products encourages the formation of metabolic disease and everything that it entails, including obesity, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease....
~Natural News
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