2008 at T4G "The majority of people have identities and lives that have been based on assumption regarding the notion of “race.” We need to change toward a more biblical theology of ethnicity. First of all, it is important to define terms and use them properly, especially “race” versus “ethnicity.” The Christian needs to understand man’s unity in Adam, union with Christ and unity in the church."
July 17, 2013, resurrected by Jesse Johnson here.
That was then, but not really: January 2015 at the Truth and Life conference at TMU where Anyabwile promoted an anti-police stance. Included in this article is more info on Anyabwile (Ron Burns).
As I reported in a previous article on Anyabwile, you can see how the racism came out in his Truth and Life message. I wrote:
An astute TMC student noted after this disaster of a message at "Truth and Life":
What I'm still trying to understand is how in two cases where the perps were clearly guilty of a crime and dealt with in such a way that was proven not to be racially motivated has now turned into a discussion on how the "white Church" needs to fix its problems. First off, Mike Brown wasn't a Christian, and for all we know neither is Darren Wilson. Forensics as well as the APB put out on Brown proved two things: 1. He robbed a store and was being sought after by police. 2. When found, he charged after a police officer and was shot at close range. This has no ecclesiastical connection, but people will exploit such for the sake of their own credibility and relevancy. As for the Eric Garner case, likewise, Garner was no Christian, at least it can be observed by the fruit of both he and Brown that neither claimed Christ as Lord. The police officers who wrestled him to the ground were all under the supervision of a black, female police officer, who also was under the supervision of a black police officer. These officers were told to patrol this particular area more thoroughly because of illegal sales and what do ya know? There was the repeat offender Eric Garner. The rest is history, but do you see the disconnect? Only a fool and a subtle racist would stand behind a pulpit to make these two cases connect to the Church at large. It seems to me that people should be taking heed to more Voddie Baucham and less Thabiti Anyabwile.
End quote.
This is from his interview with fellow TGC speaker, Kevin DeYoung. Note that Toni Morrison is one of his favorite authors (Oprah is her fan too). It was Morrison who called proven purgeror Bill Clinton, "our first black president".
April 2015 :http://tomascol.com/racism-sin-scripture-a-response-to-thabiti-anyabwile/
This is now:
Liberation theology--he's a race baitor and attaches Christ to it.
He's pro-Black Lives Matter. "I stand with the protestors because they better demonstrate what genuine faith looks like."
He's an ecumenical social justice warrior:
So James, to be clear, I'm "in" for what the man *actually said*: "a modern day ecumenical council on race & justice." If no one else's comments and posts proved the need for one, yours certainly do.
7:13 PM - 13 May 2018
On Twitter:
I support #BlackLivesMatter
I don't support everything under that label. Not by a long shot!
But I stand w/ #BlackLivesMatter

Anyabwile voted Democrat. Yet here's what MacArthur said about that party (Washington Times includes the video):
"…So having said that, let me say this. No Christian can vote for a coalition—an earthly, powerful, social, political machine—that reverses that. That sets out to punish those who do good and protect those who do evil. When you see that, it’s pretty clear who to vote for.
The current pattern of the Democratic Party is trending in the reverse direction of God’s design for Government. …"
Apparently he voted for Obama:
Mr. President, you have our permission to be an "angry Black man" sometime, and not only when you're doing comedy skits at press clubs!
10:55 AM - 28 Apr 2015
We all know politics is @ favors, deals, currency for a constituency. You know that Mr. President. It's time to rep those who elected you.
Thabiti pushed for godless politicians to lead our country like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton:
On voting for Hillary and not Trump.
Vote for Hillary (Sanders lost in the primary because Hillary interfered with the election).
On Twitter Anyabwile/Burns:
Let the hate begin. But if choice is between Clinton and Trump, I'm voting Clinton. I'll go back to not voting when this man is defeated!
Congratulations white evangelicalism on your candidate's win. I don't understand you and I think you just sealed some aweful fate.
The sure sign of Christian compromise in any age or situation is willingness to play in shadows while refusing to name the darkness.
Anyabwile's idea of "reconciliation": "My white neighbors and Christian brethren can start by at least saying their parents and grandparents and this country are complicit in murdering a man who only preached love and justice....Don’t get me wrong. I know Dr. King’s life was much greater than his death."
The problem is that MLK Jr. was a plagarist, a womanizer, and a flaming heretic. So much for love, peace, and justice.
In this article, Anyabwile appeals to made up categories of "judicial forgiveness" and "judicial contrition". Then he skips over the real issue that is at the heart of any biblically-defined sin: the substitutionary atonement and propitation Christ Jesus made to the Father:
"In the matter of ethnic reconciliation in America, judicial contrition is the cross to be carried by White brothers and sisters. Judicial contrition readies our white brothers and sisters to admit or confess the sins of their forebears and where necessary confess and repent of any present iteration of those sins. Like judicial forgiveness, it often feels like an unfair burden, but it’s the path to freedom and restoration. Repentance always is."
Additionally, his horrific view of Jesus Christ is in his treatment of Psalm 22. He makes Jesus to be an emotional basket case, feeling deserted by everyone and abandoned by the Father. His view of Christ is unholy and needy. Moreover his view reveals a severing of the Trinity. Christ had perfectly pleased His Father in all things. He wasn't abandoned. He was still part of the Trinity.
Mat 17:5 While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold, a voice out of the cloud, saying, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!" Mat 17:6 And when the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were much afraid.
Joh 15:10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in His love. There is quite a lot of problems with Anyabwile. His divisive, angry, and unfaithful to the Scriptures.
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