Sunday, March 08, 2009

Appropriate Speech: Shepherd's Conference Declares It, Desiring God Has No Clue

How is it that Phil Johnson and John MacArthur can know and BOLDLY proclaim what is appropriate for speech especially for pastors and teachers and yet their friend John Piper, a pastor of 30 years, does not?

How totally polar opposites The Shepherd's Conference was from Desiring God's Conference a few months ago!


Laura said...

That is only one of several red flags concerning John Piper.

grateful said...

This just reveals more of the real John Piper.
How much longer can he be part of the Baptist General Conference? We are to hate every false way. Yet he is allowing 'false ways' to be taught unopposed. I have seen red flags concerning John Piper for a while.

What about the upcoming Piety conference at Bethel?

Phil Perkins said...

Long time, no read. Sorry. Working out of town.

You have mentioned Ronald Nash before. I recently found out that he was influential in advocating the New Evangelicals, when breaking from the Fundamentalists like Machen, not separate from liberals.

It's in a GREAT BOOK by Rolland McCune, called Promise Unfulfilled, The Failed Strategy of Modern Evangelicalism. While McCune definitely has an opinion, it's primarily useful as a good history of the formation of the Modern Evangelical Church, NAE, Billy Graham, Carl Henry, and the decision of Evangelical leaders in the 1940's and 50's to be cozy with heretics.

You'll enjoy it.

In Christ,
Phil Perkins.