Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Study In Contradictions

Interesting. Our society (via Disney, and a plethora of other media) tell our kids "be who you are...don't let others bully you...stand up for your dreams and what you believe in....and believe in yourself!" And yet here is A & A telling Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty "Be yourself but not so much...tone it down..."

They hired the man because he is a "polarizing" , quirky character (that's what makes "good" tv after all), yet they don't want "that much" polarization or quirkiness.

What's more, throw into that mix the other mantras of anti-bullying, tolerance, accept others for who they are, and "no hate".

It's a study in contradictions.

Would our society just make up its wobbly, insecure, hypocritical mind already?

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