Tuesday, December 31, 2013

CNN Host Criticiszes MSNBC's Harris-Perry Panel for Racist and Insulting Remarks

Don Lemon, a CNN host, slammed MSNBC Harris-Perry and her panel for mocking the Romney's Christmas photo of them and their grandchildren, one of whom is a black baby and who was the focus of the laughter.

"It's a bunch of people on the left who all agree with each other, and there's no diversity of opinion," Lemon said of MSNBC. "And they're saying mean, smug things about people who may disagree with them."

Lemon suggested there would be more outrage if a white Fox News panel made similar jokes about the black grandson. 

~The Hill

As pointed out on Lemon's show, if it happened on Fox News, Jesse Jackson would already be in front of a camera and on a mic protesting. To be sure, he'd be on all the leftist liberal news shows demanding the firing of the host of the program.

Wouldn't having a black baby be a good thing in the eyes of these racist liberals? I guess not if you are a white Republican. There's no satisfying the liberals, simply because they are whiney, irrational, emotional immature people. And it's not about race or civil rights. It's about their own agenda of the moment. And their anger.

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