Monday, January 20, 2014

Color of Skin Ignores Justice and Protects Obama From Impeachment

Today the idea of not being judged by the color of one’s skin but being judged by the content of one’s character is as farcical as the idea of unicorns. Judging based on color of skin is exactly the barometer race-mongers and racialists measure with today; content of character be damned.
As I have said before, “Obama would never have been elected if he were white.” The color of his skin has been, and continues to be, his trump card that forgives his most egregious acts as an elected official; and the color of his skin certainly forgives his transpicuous shortcomings on a personal level. It is the color of his skin that (in large part) has protected him (thus far) from impeachment. I defy one of the voices who have, with feigned solemnity, uttered Dr. King’s now famous words to argue they would stand passionately silent if Obama were a white president.
The content of America’s character speaks volumes in that America has elected black officials since immediately after the signing of the Emancipation Act to every political post we have. The content of America’s character has been witnessed in her willingness to right injustice. The content of America’s character is not portrayed by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others who have engaged in racial extortion.
Content of character is waived when talking about Trayvon Martin. Content of character is waived when speaking of personal responsibility as it pertains to blacks. Content of character is waived when it comes to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the New Black Panther Party et al.
I personally believe Dr. King would be appalled by the behavior and infectious propensity to eschew modernity by so many blacks today. And I feel strong enough pursuant to same that I am prepared to say if I am wrong in said opinion, then I am completely wrong about Dr. King himself.
What part of Dr. King’s message called for self-segregation? What part of Dr. King’s mission was dedicated toward the mass slaughter of unborn children? What part of Dr. King’s message sanctioned banausic behavior and the breakdown of the nuclear family?
~Excerpts from Mychael Massey at WND (read the whole article for the context)

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