Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sin Is Theoretical To Evangelical Leaders

Evangelical elders, professors, speakers, and authors consider as a theoretical issue in themselves and their friends, family, and colleagues :

Jesus' return
The Great Tribulation
Truth (doctrine)
sexual immorality

It's all theory to them, otherwise they'd be humble and teachable, repent of actual sin when found, be discerning themselves (which requires absolute belief in all Scripture) and welcome discerners, plus they would practice biblical separation from errorists and unprincipled men even among their friends, fellow elders, colleagues, family.

By considering these things to be theoretical, they can then embrace doctrinal triage which then embraces sin triage (redefines sin) and even the gospel triage (bare minimum to believe but that would create a different, powerless gospel which is no gospel at all). And they throw out and persecute those who warn them. Acts 20, 2Cor 6, 2John 9-11.

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