Wednesday, September 11, 2013

First Anniversary of the Terrorist Attack Against America in Benghazi

Also due a mention: its the first anniversary of the 9-11-12 attack on Americans in Benghazi. The one that Obama's connected with.  The one that Washington DC was warned by Libyan officials was about to happen. The one that he had better things to do than to come to the aid of Americans under attack, including US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. The one that his regime continued to lie about. It had nothing to do with a video. It was a terrorist attack.

Nothing has been done.

Of course not.

That was Obama's plan, I'm sure. Better check where the guns came from on that one. You know, Fast and Furious Part Deaux. It could be why there's "information gaps" according to CBS news.

I'm sorry this president leaves Americans to fight for themselves when he should have helped them.

I guess he was more interested in  helping the "rebels".

This seems to be worth a look.

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