Friday, October 12, 2018

Many Are Willing For Christ To Be Priest But Not As King

Again; many are willing for Christ to officiate as their Priest, but not for Him to legislate as their King. Ask them, in a general way, if they are ready to do whatsoever Christ requires of them, and they will answer in the affirmative, emphatically and with confidence. But come to particulars: apply to each one of them those specific commandments and precepts of the Lord which they are ignoring, and they will at once cry out "Legalism"! or, "We cannot be perfect in everything." Name nine duties and perhaps they are performing them, but mention a tenth and it at once makes them angry, for you have come too close home to their case. Herod heard John gladly and did "many things" (Mark 6:20), but when he referred to Herodias, he touched him to the quick. Many are willing to give up their theatre-going, and card-parties, who refuse to go forth unto Christ outside the camp. Others are willing to go outside the camp, yet refuse to deny their fleshly and worldly lusts. Reader, if there is a reserve in your obedience, you are on the way to Hell. ~AW Pink on "Saving Faith"

I hear "who's perfect?" or "Legalism" charged to me when holding Evangelicals to the standard of Scripture. This is true especially when it comes to the Reformed circles and their leaders. This is why, when men who believe themselves to be teachers of the foolish, experts in the Bible, leaders of the churches, they deny the King's commands as absolute truth and must be obeyed, are actually in traitorous rebellion against the King of kings and Lord of lords. They teach HIS doctrine as opinions of men that can be "agreed to disagree" upon. Legalism is Phariseeism and it is liberalism. That is to say that "legalism" isn't holding to Scripture but holding to men's doctrines as if they are doctrines of Christ. The Pharisees were not holding to the Scriptures; they were holding to made up traditions and opinions of men. They neglected Scripture's precise judgments on all matters (remember Christ's teaching that if you lust in your heart you are a lawbreaker for you've committed adultery? Same with anger and murder). Legalism is holding to man's opinions. Obedience and love is holding to Scripture and Scripture is precise. So when these celebrity teachers deny a believer's immersion called "baptism" and instead are open to or practice the Roman Catholic dogma of infant sprinkling, they are not bowing to KING Jesus. They are in rebellion. When they greet or share the platform with false teachers, they are in rebellion ( 2John 9-11). When they refuse to call a false teacher as such, they are disobeying Scripture (Rom. 16:17). When they say that a Christian can be a "celibate" homosexual, they lie against Scripture and deny the origin of sodomy (Rom. 1). When the sound doctrine of a six literal day Creation is considered an opinion or personal preference or worse, they disbelieve it, they refuse to bow to the heart and mind to King Jesus. And rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Think about that.

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