Thursday, August 14, 2014

Birds Of A Feather: Beth Moore Schmoozing With Joyce Meyer

We're excited to have Beth Moore in the studio with us today taping upcoming shows of Enjoying Everyday Life. We'll keep you posted as soon as they are available.
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I have the great privilege of sitting down w/ in her studio today to talk about unity. Pray for Jesus to be so present & pleased!

Beth Moore also has taken a photo with WOF pastor Christine Caine (Hillsong church). Moore also teaches on Charismatic James Robinson's TBN show. So this is no surprise. Especially given the fact that Moore has been teaching men for decades. And now she too, has been hearing the voice of God and getting all kinds of "revelations" from "Him". The biblical Jesus Christ is not pleased nor will He be present. Rather, His anger is upon you both for your spiritual harloty.

Birds of a feather flock together. Such is the sisterhood of feminist Charismatic rebellious women.

Joyce Meyer has been a false teacher for years as well, most infamously teaching the blasphemy  that Jesus took on a sin nature and had to be born again in Hell. She also thinks she's beyond sinning it seems. Go here  and here for the info.

Then, as Apprising Ministries reported:

Biblical unity is always based on Truth (see Eph. 1-4). Unholy unity is always based on error.

Now, how many people will continue to think Beth Moore is a "godly woman" and a "sister in Christ" even though she claims unity and sisterhood with these heretics? In order to consider Moore a legitimate Christian, you MUST ACCEPT Joyce Meyer and Christine Caine as legitimate Christians (and accept Moore's feminism and mysticism and slaughtering of Scripture and inter-faith with Romanists).

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