The silliness and superstition of numerology of the New Apostolic Reformation who revile Scripture for something "new", "fresh", "exciting". In other words, that which feeds their flesh and entertains them.
Super Bowl Score
Even though the Super Bowl was not that super this year, unless you are a Seattle Seahawks fan, the final score was intriguing to me. I felt it was significant and knew that again, like last year, it was not intended to say that God is judging.
Taking a look at the final score, Seahawks 43 to Broncos 8, God led me to some powerful verses packed in Isaiah 43 which
many of us know. Here God brings comfort during rough times, forming us into people of godly character, able to lead others by following Holy Spirit into new things (Isaiah 43:1-2, 5-8 and 18-19).

Check out the verse corresponding to the final score, 43-8 to Isaiah 43:8: "Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf." Isaiah 43:8 NIV
God is opening people's eyes and ears. People who have no idea about the power of His Spirit will be led by those called by God's name. Like the power of God's Spirit, who helped deaf Seahawks fullback, Derrick Coleman, who "stuck with it" and despite his disability, gained much new authority.
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19
God's challenge in the game of life is to take comfort during character-forming times. Your heart's re-shaping helps you and others show God's awesome goodness. Read through the entire chapter of Isaiah 43 because it is packed full of promises from God to pray into your life.
We can scarcely conceive of anything more grieving to the Holy Spirit — than the manner in which some people deal with His inspired Word. Nor is the low spirituality which this solemn trifling with the Bible betrays, less painful.
A heavenly mind will guard the sacredness and purity of God's Word with holy jealousy! How can it be otherwise? To the Bible, the instrumentality of God's truth — the believer is indebted for his quickening, for his sanctification, and for his comfort! To trifle, then, with that holy Word, to quote it flippantly, to speak of it irreverently, to jest with it profanely — would seem a crime from which a mind stored with its precious treasures, and imbued with its hallowed spirit — would recoil with holy dread!
Oh, beware, reader, how you sport with, or trifle with — God's holy Scriptures! Oh, it is a fearful thing to quote with sportive lip, to touch with unhallowed hands — the holy Word of God!
"My heart stands in awe of Your Word! I rejoice in Your Word like one who discovers a great treasure!" Psalm 119:161-162
~Octavius Winslow
A heavenly mind will guard the sacredness and purity of God's Word with holy jealousy! How can it be otherwise? To the Bible, the instrumentality of God's truth — the believer is indebted for his quickening, for his sanctification, and for his comfort! To trifle, then, with that holy Word, to quote it flippantly, to speak of it irreverently, to jest with it profanely — would seem a crime from which a mind stored with its precious treasures, and imbued with its hallowed spirit — would recoil with holy dread!
Oh, beware, reader, how you sport with, or trifle with — God's holy Scriptures! Oh, it is a fearful thing to quote with sportive lip, to touch with unhallowed hands — the holy Word of God!
"My heart stands in awe of Your Word! I rejoice in Your Word like one who discovers a great treasure!" Psalm 119:161-162
~Octavius Winslow
Addison has no reverence for God and seeks mystical nonsense. Seeking for such things merely leads one AWAY from the Scriptures and the study of them, and INTO deception, superstition, occultism, emotionalism, instability, and dead dark paths. Such is NOT the clear way of Scripture.
1 comment:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this junk. A friend on Facebook posted one of his "prophecies" last week and I felt inclined to do some research.
His website is riddled with false prophecies and errors. The one that tickled me (if such an error is tickling) was God was about to turn Hollywood around which was posted in 2011. Yeah, that one worked out well! Not!
I quickly posted a reply to my friend on Facebook to be very cautious about listening to Mr. Addison as it appeared his "prophecies" were nothing more than fortune cookie type stuff.
The sickening part was on every blog he has written are people doing the "I claim this for me" thing, so desperate that they've turned to a charlatan. I responded to many of his posts but since they're moderated, none of them appear to have been approved.
Oh, Mr. Addison can also interpret dreams and can teach you how also! Yeah, no kidding! He also claims he can teach people how to interpret and you can buy his book on it. Totally non-Biblical.
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