Wednesday, March 26, 2014

World Vision (Worldly Vision) Backs Off of Sodomite Hiring But the Problem Is Still There

Well it seems the money was too much to lose for Worldly Vision to hold up their unbiblical and quite hostile view of sodomy vs. biblical Christians to publicly hold on to for now.

"The last couple of days have been painful," president Richard Stearns told reporters this evening. "We feel pain and a broken heart for the confusion we caused for many friends who saw this policy change as a strong reversal of World Vision's commitment to biblical authority, which it was not intended to be."

"We did inadequate consultation with our supporters. If I could have a do-over on one thing, I would have done much more consultation with Christian leaders."

"We need to have a process to do further and wider consultation with key Christian leaders around the country, and we will be discussing how that can happen," he said.

~"Christianity" Today magazine

"At a recent gathering in Los Angeles, Stearns privileged the work he and others do around poverty issues and criticized Christians who he sees as preoccupied by work focused on the meaning and purpose of marriage. “No one ever died of gay marriage,” he argued".

 - Religion and Politics, June 25,2013

Stearns expects the board to continue to deal with questions about employment and same-sex relationships. "I think every Christian organization will continue to deal with this sensitive issue," he said. "The board will continue to talk about this issue for many board meetings to come. ... The original decision was overwhelmingly ratified by the board, and the decision to reverse the policy today after a lot of deep reflection, a lot of listening to supporters … was also overwhelmingly supported today."

End quote.

Sensitive issue? There's nothing sensitive nor blurry about sodomy.

It's only "sensitive" (read: complicated) and blurry when you deny the sole authority of Scripture to dictate all your thinking and decisions and instead turn to the world and then try to ride the fence. There's absolutely nothing sensitive, complicated, nor gray about sodomy.

So this reversal no doubt was not for the sake of the Truth, but purely for MONEY. We saw what is in their hearts and on their agenda. They will do it in time. Of that I'm absolutely sure. Why? Because it's their unbelief in Scripture and their secular worldview. Their backpedaling isn't impressive nor is it repentant. Stearns' hostility against biblical Christians has been the same for a while, as revealed in a CT article last June.

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