Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ADD Diagosis 125% More in Boys than Girls; 53% of Boys More Likely If On Government Insurance

The more government medical coverage you have, the more diagoses are made. The more money is being funneled.

A CDC reported an increase of diagoses of ADD and ADHD among those with health coverage.


The study indicated that American boys were 125 percent more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD, and that boys were 127 percent more likely than girls to be medicated for it.

The study also found that children in public health programs (Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program) were 53 percent more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than children with private health insurance. 

“Ever-diagnosed ADHD was more common among children with health care coverage than those without coverage, and among those with public coverage than with private coverage,” said the study.

"“This study is really based on the parent-reported survey data"

"The CDC describes ADHD symptoms as follows: “A child with ADHD might: daydream a lot, forget or lose things a lot, squirm or fidget, talk too much, make careless mistakes or take unnecessary risks, have a hard time resisting temptation, have trouble taking turns, have difficulty getting along with others” "

"Parent-reported" and "a child with ADHD MIGHT...." Both are  totally subjective. They take claims of parents or observations by a "health care provider" and then place an interpretation onto it, especially with a predisposition to believe it's a disease/disorder. Just because one doctor tells a parent their kid might had ADD doesn't make it true (that's also assuming its a real "disorder"). Because it's subjective, there's no clear cut way to diagnose the "problem" (a value has been placed upon certain behaviors as either good or bad, acceptable or not acceptable (which is not science) and especially within the classroom---there's the added issue of teachers (and parents) not wanting to deal with a child that has less self-control, obedience than the rest of the kids). 

Those "symptoms" describe just about every kid at some point! 

Sadly this is nothing short of our feminist Post-Modern, lazy, psychologized society to effeminize the boys so that they can be more controlled. 

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