Friday, November 15, 2013

Rush Is Right But For The Wrong Reason

Limbaugh mentioned yesterday how the GOP should not work to fix Obamacare, but actively pursue repealing it. I agree, but for different reasons. His reasoning is that the GOP has been bullied by the Dems for so long, and they fear being labeled racist for opposing Obama, so they don't want to do something that looks anything remotely racist or against a popular leader. Rush calls it PTSD.

The reason why the GOP continues to uphold Obamacare and amnesty for illegal aliens isn't out of fear (that might be a secondary issue), but because they are at heart LIBERAL themselves. (How's that "lesser evil" working out for you "Conservatives"?)

Even if they were merely fearful of being accused as racist or seen as fuddy-duddies, that would show they are siding with Obama for political gain. Selfish reasons. Personal power. All the wrong reasons.

So either way, its bad.

But I still believe my view is more accurate. Certainly the RINO's view on abortion bears that out. Big government stances of the the GOP also bears out my view as well.

If people like Limbaugh and others would simply accept the reality that the GOP is at heart liberal, then they would see, like Obamacare or the Titanic, it's beyond repair.  The root is rotten, so the tree bears bad fruit. It needs to be cut down and removed.

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