(Photo source)
“When first promoting Common Core State Standards, the Department of Education used a carrot-and-stick approach by awarding grant money and waivers from No Child Left Behind regulations in exchange for adoption of the standards," Rep.Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO.) said in a statement to FoxNews.com. "At a time of economic recession and shrinking state budgets, this federal money enticed the vast majority of states to adopt CCSS and their aligned assessments, often without states being able to fully analyze the future costs of annual testing. I’m afraid the bloom is off the rose as Missouri, and a number of other states, are realizing the new assessments will cost nearly twice as much as the previous state-based tests."
States will spend up to an estimated $10 billion up front, then as much as $800 million per year for the first seven years that the controversial program is up and running. Much of the cost is on new, Common Core-aligned textbooks and curriculum, but the added expenses also include teacher training, technology upgrades, testing and assessment. The figures are taking states by surprise.
Georgia and California are also finding that costs are too high to implement Common Core, with the latter estimated to spend approximately $35 million per year, or about $30 per student, in testing costs alone.
~Fox News
And that's not even the more serious problem of the content and worldview of Common Core! It's clearly a destructive program that will be costly not only upfront in spending, but culturally as it won't educate our children with solid fundamentals. Instead it will pry apart families (use data mining) and instill socialist humanist dogma.
As Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin's website offered an example:
One person commented on the above 2nd grade word problem:
"What number of paper clips COULD he have?"
Hmmm, thirty-two? eighteen million? a gazillion? purple? a puppy?
Heck, if its stretching one's thinking that is the goal, any answer that's a stretch should be just fine.
End quote.
He's right. Common Core is in a word, Post-Modern. There is no absolute truth (well, unless you are a Conservative Christian and then you are absolutely dispicable). How that transpires in education is exactly what Common Core is about.
So this new video of an apparent teacher training session on Common Core math — in which the trainer explains how getting the wrong answer is right — will come as no surprise (via Stanley Kurtz):
The twisted pedagogy is the same in all of these curricular fads: Encourage “critical thinking” and “explaining” of “how and why” over time-tested, efficient methods of “drill and kill” first. Abandon memorization and computation for social justice, multiculturalism , and self-esteem.
End quote.
I could be wrong, but being approximate in math isn't good enough when you are giving an injection of medicine to a patient or engineering a building. A good guess just isn't good enough.
Here's another example from Common Core-this one is from NY state and it's for 8th grade math:

Here's a video of the liberal indoctrination ("white privelage" ):
Thanks to Independant Sentinel's article here.
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